Native Son Test | Final Test - Easy

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Native Son Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Peggy finds Mary is not in her room what does she question Bigger about it, and what does he tell her?
(a) That he has no idea what could have happened since Mary was fine when he left her.
(b) That the car is in the driveway because "the gentleman", Jan, was going to drive himself home the night before.
(c) That the "gentleman", Jan Erlone, was planning on spending the night and he was going to go with Mary to the train in the morning.
(d) He confesses that Mary had been drunk the night before and that "the gentleman", Jan Erlone, insisted on driving her home, but dropped Bigger at his home first.

2. What goes through Bigger's mind when he hears the music from the church?
(a) He hums along, but feeling to peace he gets angry.
(b) He half wishes he was a believer like his mother, but doesn't want to give up his sense of self.
(c) He wishes he could be with his mother.
(d) He hates the music and can't wait to find another apartment.

3. What did Bigger's mother say to him after she awakens the morning after the killing?
(a) She told him Bessie came to see him the night before.
(b) She wanted to know what he wanted for breakfast.
(c) She wanted to know why he was there if he was supposed to live at the Dalton's house.
(d) She wanted to know why he came in after 4 in the morning.

4. While hidden Bigger reads a newspaper about the search for him. Why do the authorities still think Jan Erlone is the mastermind behind the entire murder and ransom?
(a) Because coming up with such a detailed plan would be beyond the Negro mind.
(b) Because Jan Erlone refused to be released and has signed a confession.
(c) Because Jan Erlone is a communist and they hate communists.
(d) Because Mr. Dalton really liked Bigger and wanted to help him.

5. Who is Britten?
(a) A private investigator Mr. Dalton hired that day to find Mary.
(b) A neighbor who saw Bigger carrying Mary into the house the night before.
(c) A private investigator from Mr. Dalton's company.
(d) A detective with the Chicago P.D..

6. As Bigger tells his fabricated story about the previous evening to Mr. Dalton and Britten, what is he feeling?
(a) Like he is the one in control because he is telling them what he wants them to believe.
(b) Worried they will find something in his story that doesn't ring true.
(c) Afraid they won't believe him and that he'll be under suspicion.
(d) So proud of his story he thinks of becoming a fiction writer.

7. In book two, how do the reporters decide to frame their stories?
(a) That the negros want to be left alone and the communists forcing their beliefs on them.
(b) That the communists and the negros are working together to get the ransom.
(c) That negros are becomming more involved with communisim.
(d) That the communists have plotted the kidnapping and are blaming it on Bigger.

8. When Bigger returns to the basement to shake down the ashes, what stops him?
(a) He thinks he sees Mary's face as it looked the night before.
(b) He hears someone and is afraid they will see Mary's body.
(c) The white cat stares at him and makes uncomfortable.
(d) He sees that her body hasn't completely burned.

9. In Book Two Bigger is feeling very confident and powerful, except when he sleeps and dreams. What does he dream about after his first meeting with Britten.
(a) All are correct.
(b) A church bell that turns out to be a warning bell urging him to hide himself and his package.
(c) He tries to run from the blood, the coal, and white faces.
(d) He is carrying a package that turns out to be his own severed, bloddy head wrapped in paper.

10. What keeps stopping Bigger from shaking down the ashes in the furnace?
(a) He is afraid of burning himself.
(b) He wants to make sure Mary's body is completely burned.
(c) He doesn't know the ashes need to be removed.
(d) Fear and dread

11. How does Mrs. Dalton look when she comes to Bigger's room to question him about Mary's disappearance?
(a) She's dressed in white and she is very pale.
(b) She's dressed in white and she looks suspicious.
(c) She's wearing a white pants suit and has her white hair tied back in a bun.
(d) She's wearing black because she knows Mary is dead.

12. What does Bigger do to Bessie after they go to the old building to hide?
(a) He rapes her then after she falls alseep kills her with a brick then throws her body down an air shaft.
(b) He rapes her then cuts off her head like he did Mary's and throws her body down an air shaft.
(c) He smashes her head with a brick then runs away.
(d) He sleeps then awakens realizing he must kill Bessie.

13. Before Bigger puts more coal on the fire, what is he certain he sees in the furnace?
(a) The shape of Mary's body beneath the coals.
(b) The white cat watching him again.
(c) Peggy watching from the top of the stairs.
(d) He can't see anything because the light it out.

14. What idea does Bigger get after Bessie mentions he is working near the site of the Leopold and Loeb case?
(a) That he and Bessie should go out on the town
(b) Contacting Leopold and Loeb for advice
(c) Kidnapping and ransom
(d) Blaming Mary's disappeareance on Leopold and Loeb

15. What does Jan Erlone think when he hears Bigger's lie about him?
(a) That they are all crazy and should be looking for Mary instead of questioning him.
(b) That Bigger is the person responsible for Mary's disappearance.
(c) That Mr. Dalton, Britten and Bigger just hate communists.
(d) That Mr. Dalton and Britten are making Bigger lie.

Short Answer Questions

1. After he recalls killing Mary Dalton, what did Bigger realize he left in plain sight of his mother and his siblings?

2. How do the police finally catch Bigger?

3. What does Bigger do with the pamphlets Jan gave him the night before?

4. After Bigger leaves Bessie and returns to the Dalton's house what does Peggy tell him to do and why?

5. What does Bigger say when Bessie asks if he murdered Mary Dalton?

(see the answer keys)

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