Native Son Test | Final Test - Easy

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Native Son Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when Bigger first awakens the morning after the murder?
(a) He remembers everything he did the night before.
(b) He sees his brother, Buddy, staring at him suspiciously.
(c) He tries to sneak out of the house unnoticed.
(d) He doesn't think about what happened the night before.

2. Why does Bessie finally agree to help Bigger with his kidnapping scam?
(a) She is greedy and wants in on the deal.
(b) He says he will give her half the money.
(c) He says he will leave her if she doesn't help him.
(d) He threatens to murder her family.

3. While hidden Bigger reads a newspaper about the search for him. Why do the authorities still think Jan Erlone is the mastermind behind the entire murder and ransom?
(a) Because coming up with such a detailed plan would be beyond the Negro mind.
(b) Because Mr. Dalton really liked Bigger and wanted to help him.
(c) Because Jan Erlone is a communist and they hate communists.
(d) Because Jan Erlone refused to be released and has signed a confession.

4. What keeps stopping Bigger from shaking down the ashes in the furnace?
(a) He wants to make sure Mary's body is completely burned.
(b) Fear and dread
(c) He is afraid of burning himself.
(d) He doesn't know the ashes need to be removed.

5. Where does Bigger place the ransom note to be certain Mr. Dalton gets it?
(a) Under the front door.
(b) Under the back door.
(c) In the Dalton mail box.
(d) On Mr. Dalton's desk in his office.

6. What does the white cat do while Bigger is being questioned by the police and reporters?
(a) Jumps on his shoulder and digs in its claws.
(b) Sits staring intently at Bigger.
(c) It keeps looking from the furnace to Bigger and back again.
(d) Jumps on his shoulder, then walks around his feet.

7. When Bessie again declares she won't help Bigger with is ransom plan, what does bigger do to persuade her?
(a) He tells her it will be over between them if she doesn't help him.
(b) Reminds her she has already helped him steal enough to land her in jail. He also threatens to slap her.
(c) He threatens to beat her if she doesn't do what he wants.
(d) He holds a knife in a threatening way and warns her she had better help him.

8. In what ways does Bigger act to give the impression he thinks Mary is asleep upstairs in her bedroom?
(a) He loads her trunk, waits by the car, rings the bell, then asks Peggy what he should do since Mary has not come down.
(b) He asks Mrs. Dalton what time Mary's train is supposed to leave, because he doesn't want them to be late.
(c) He eats breakfast with the Daltons as though nothing unusual has happened.
(d) He eats his breakfast then asks Peggy to go upstairs and find out what is taking Mary so long.

9. After Bigger returns to the Dalton home with Mary's trunk, he again goes to check the furnace. Who interrupts him?
(a) Mr. Dalton and a group of white men.
(b) Mr. and Mrs. Dalton and Peggy.
(c) Mrs. Dalton and a white private investigator.
(d) The police.

10. After he recalls killing Mary Dalton, what did Bigger realize he left in plain sight of his mother and his siblings?
(a) The pamphlets Jan gave him
(b) Mary's purse
(c) His bloody clothing
(d) The knife

11. What does Bigger begin to wish for all blacks?
(a) That one day blacks will one day be equal to whites.
(b) That someone will bring them together to make their lives better.
(c) That they will one day make their own laws and rules.
(d) That they will become superior to the whites and treat them like they have been treated.

12. What does Bigger finally do after wandering the streets looking for food and shelter?
(a) He steals a loaf of bread then finds an empty apartment to break into.
(b) He buys a loaf of bread then finds an empty apartment to break into.
(c) He hides with a group of homeless people living near the river.
(d) He steals a loaf of bread then hides in an alley to eat it.

13. What did Bigger's mother say to him after she awakens the morning after the killing?
(a) She wanted to know what he wanted for breakfast.
(b) She wanted to know why he was there if he was supposed to live at the Dalton's house.
(c) She told him Bessie came to see him the night before.
(d) She wanted to know why he came in after 4 in the morning.

14. Who is Britten?
(a) A private investigator from Mr. Dalton's company.
(b) A detective with the Chicago P.D..
(c) A neighbor who saw Bigger carrying Mary into the house the night before.
(d) A private investigator Mr. Dalton hired that day to find Mary.

15. What things does Mrs. Dalton question Bigger about when she comes to his room?
(a) About Jan Erlone's involvement with the communists.
(b) About Mary leaving her new clothing behind.
(c) About where the car was parked, the trunk and Jan Erlone.
(d) About where he took Mary the night before.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Bigger sign the ransom note he has written to Mr. Dalton?

2. How is building Bigger chose as the lookout point for the money drop described in the story.

3. What does Peggy decide must have happened to Mary?

4. How do the police finally catch Bigger?

5. Why does Bigger seem bothered that the newspaper only just wrote about him after he killed Mary?

(see the answer keys)

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