Native Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Native Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Mary ask Bigger to pick up after they leave home his first night working for them?
(a) Her professor, Mr. Erlone
(b) Her boyfriend, Jan Erlone
(c) She doesn't ask him to pick up anyone.
(d) Her friend, Joan Erlone

2. How does Bigger feel when he enters the Dalton home for the very first time?
(a) Lucky
(b) Worried
(c) Uncomfortable
(d) Indifferent

3. What two words best describe Bigger in this opening part of the novel?
(a) Angry and Joker
(b) Helpless and Strong
(c) Pessimistic and Angry
(d) Hopeless and Fun-loving

4. What Bigger and his friends call the game they play?
(a) "White"
(b) Kick the can
(c) "Black" against "White"
(d) Catch me if you can

5. Who answers the door when Bigger finally knocks on the door of the Dalton house?
(a) The butler.
(b) Mr. Dalton
(c) Mary Dalton
(d) The house-keeper.

6. What is the on-going plan Bigger and his friends discuss that morning?
(a) Taking classes at the YMCA
(b) Robbing a liquior store
(c) Going to college
(d) Robbing Blum's Delicatessin

7. What is the title of the first part of the novel?
(a) Rage
(b) Fear
(c) Anger
(d) Lost Soul

8. What does Bigger do to silence Mary in her room?
(a) He stuffs the corner of her blanket in her mouth.
(b) He puts his hand over her mouth.
(c) He puts a pillow over her face.
(d) He kisses her.

9. What is the theme of the movie Bigger and Jack go to see?
(a) That blacks can also be rich
(b) That white's are all communists
(c) That white people will suffer in the depression
(d) The lifestyle of rich white people

10. Where does Bigger take the trunk with the body inside?
(a) Into the garage
(b) Into the basement
(c) To a dumpster
(d) Out to the car

11. What does Mr. Dalton's company own?
(a) A limo service.
(b) A construction company.
(c) The oldest bank in the city.
(d) The home in the ghetto where Bigger lives.

12. As Bigger is leaving the Dalton home after Mary's death, what does he find near the Dalton's car?
(a) The pamphlets Jan gave him
(b) A bottle of rum
(c) Mary's purse
(d) Mary's expensive necklace

13. What does Mrs. Thomas want Bigger to do to help the family?
(a) Get a job.
(b) Go to the supermarket for rat poison.
(c) Get them a better place to live.
(d) Go to Blum's Delicatessin to get dinner.

14. Where does Bigger have a job interview?
(a) At YMCA
(b) At the supermarket
(c) At Blum's Delicatessin
(d) At the Dalton's

15. How does Bigger get Mary to her room without disturbing anyone?
(a) He gets her parents to help
(b) He drags her
(c) He carries her
(d) He gets Peggy to help

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bigger decide to do with Mary's body next?

2. How does Bigger plan to explain his fingerprints in Mary's bedroom?

3. What is the job Mr. Dalton is hiring Bigger to do?

4. On Bigger's first night at work, what does he, Mary and Jan do as they drive around the park?

5. Where do Mary and Jan sit in the car?

(see the answer keys)

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