Native Son Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Native Son Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In book two when Bigger finally falls asleep after hearing Peggy and Mrs. Dalton talking about Mary, what does he recall in his dream?
(a) How noisy he was when he took the trunk the the basement the night before.
(b) How Mrs. Dalton nearly caught him with Mary in her bedroom the night before.
(c) How noisy he was when he took the trunk to the car that morning.
(d) How his mother warned him he'll end up in the gallows if he doesn't straighten out his life.

2. How does Bigger feel about Mary Dalton?
(a) He has no feelings about her or anyone.
(b) He hates her instantly.
(c) He feels she is just like her mother.
(d) He finds her very attractive.

3. What does the white cat do while Bigger is being questioned by the police and reporters?
(a) Jumps on his shoulder and digs in its claws.
(b) Jumps on his shoulder, then walks around his feet.
(c) Sits staring intently at Bigger.
(d) It keeps looking from the furnace to Bigger and back again.

4. What things does Mrs. Dalton question Bigger about when she comes to his room?
(a) About where the car was parked, the trunk and Jan Erlone.
(b) About Jan Erlone's involvement with the communists.
(c) About Mary leaving her new clothing behind.
(d) About where he took Mary the night before.

5. Where does Bigger place the ransom note to be certain Mr. Dalton gets it?
(a) On Mr. Dalton's desk in his office.
(b) In the Dalton mail box.
(c) Under the back door.
(d) Under the front door.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book Two Bigger is feeling very confident and powerful, except when he sleeps and dreams. What does he dream about after his first meeting with Britten.

2. Where does Bigger Thomas and his family live?

3. What happens when Britten backs Bigger against the wall and grabs his collar asking him about the pamphlets Jan Erlone gave him?

4. What is the job Mr. Dalton is hiring Bigger to do?

5. How does Bigger get Mary to her room without disturbing anyone?

(see the answer key)

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