Murder in the Cathedral Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Murder in the Cathedral Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the Four Tempters, what is man's life?
(a) An inconvenience to God.
(b) A cheat and a disappointment.
(c) A viscious cycle.
(d) A fleeting moment.

2. How does the Fourth Tempter claim Beckett can have ultimate glory and power over the King of England?
(a) By giving his money to the people.
(b) By becoming a martyr.
(c) By killing the King.
(d) By becoming the Chancellor again.

3. What is not one of the events of the past seven years that the Chorus describes?
(a) A good harvest.
(b) The disappearance of several girls.
(c) The town burning down.
(d) Brewing beer.

4. What does the First Tempter predict for Becket if he does not "leave well alone?"
(a) HIs goose may be cooked.
(b) God will show his wrath.
(c) His fat lady will sing.
(d) Everything will be set right.

5. How does the chorus define its time in Canterbury since the Archbishop left seven years previous?
(a) Dying and partly dying.
(b) Living and partly living.
(c) Living and partly dying.
(d) Living and partly suffering.

6. What does the Second Tempter tell Beckett he will be like if he continues on course?
(a) A young doe, circled with wolves.
(b) An old dog, circled with wolves.
(c) An old fox, circled with hounds.
(d) An old stag, circled with hounds.

7. In what city of England does the story take place?
(a) York.
(b) Cambridge.
(c) Canterbury.
(d) London.

8. What does Beckett believe to be the last temptation and what he fears the most?
(a) Doing the wrong thing for the right reason.
(b) Doing the thing you cannot do.
(c) Doing the right deed for the wrong reason.
(d) Dying.

9. What does the First Tempter tell Becket he remembers?
(a) His loyalty to the king.
(b) The danger he is in.
(c) The good time past.
(d) The hard times of the poor.

10. Who are the first two characters who speak of "the wheel" on separate occasions?
(a) The First Priest and the First Tempter.
(b) The Chorus and Thomas Becket.
(c) The First Priest and the Second Priest.
(d) The Third Priest and Thomas Becket.

11. What is it that the Second Tempter offers Becket?
(a) The English throne.
(b) His former political position.
(c) A new life.
(d) A new love.

12. What does the First Priest compare the women of Canterbury to?
(a) Frogs in the treetops.
(b) Horses in the stalls.
(c) Worms in the belly.
(d) Chickens in a coop.

13. What character(s) opens the play with the first monologue?
(a) Thomas Becket.
(b) The Priests.
(c) The Chorus.
(d) The Messenger.

14. What is one thing the Third Tempter and his party want from Beckett?
(a) Favor from the Church.
(b) The blessing of God.
(c) Happiness for the People of England.
(d) Money.

15. What, according to the First Tempter, "should be more than biting Time can sever?"
(a) Loyalty.
(b) Friendship.
(c) Death.
(d) Hope.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Chorus claim is their purpose in the action of the play?

2. What idea does the Fourth Tempter repeat that Beckett voiced on his first entrance?

3. When will the First Tempter remember Becket?

4. In Part One, where does the action of the play take place?

5. What does Becket call "the springtime fancy?"

(see the answer keys)

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