Mule Bone Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mule Bone Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Jim Weston's sentence for his crime?
(a) Two years of hard labor.
(b) Two years of exile from the town.
(c) Two months imprisoned in the barn.
(d) Community service.

2. How does Joe Clarke respond to Mrs. Nixon's accusation that he mistreats his wife and sells rancid bacon?
(a) He says she will not be allowed to buy anything else from the store until she pays back the money she owes.
(b) He bangs his gavel and calls for order.
(c) He says she smells like a nest of yellow hammers.
(d) He says everyone knows that she lies, so he is not concerned.

3. Why does Deacon Simms refuse to allow Reverend Childers to use his Bible?
(a) Reverend Childers is a Baptist and cannot read anyway.
(b) Deacon Simms' children gave the Bible to him, so it's special.
(c) He is afraid that Reverend Childers will soil his pages.
(d) He says any good preacher would have brought his own Bible.

4. What order does Joe Clarke give to the people at the trial before they leave the church?
(a) He orders them to help Lum Boger escort Jim Weston out of town.
(b) He orders them to disperse quietly and return to their homes.
(c) He orders them to leave their neighbors alone and mind their own business.
(d) He orders them to leave church grounds before they begin to fight.

5. On the charge of assault and battery, how does Jim Weston plead?
(a) He says he did not do it and is not guilty.
(b) He says he did it and would do it again, but he's not guilty.
(c) He says he is sorry that he did it, but he is not guilty.
(d) He says he is sorry and pleads guilty.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Jim Weston pull Daisy down to sit on the tracks with him?

2. Deacon Simms accuses Dave Carter of what?

3. What will Jim Weston do to support himself and Daisy?

4. What does everyone believe has happened when the church bell begins to toll?

5. What does Daisy suggest Jim Weston can do for a living after they get married?

(see the answer keys)

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