Mule Bone Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mule Bone Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Jim Weston and Dave Carter express their love for Daisy?
(a) They arm wrestle for her.
(b) They recite poetry that they have dedicated to her.
(c) They both sing songs that they have written for her.
(d) They try to outdo each other with extremes of what they would do for her.

2. What evidence does Sister Taylor provide to prove that her husband is good to her?
(a) He brings her flowers for no reason.
(b) He listens to her when she has a problem.
(c) He brings home plenty of money.
(d) He is a good father to their children.

3. According to Jim Weston, how much does he love Daisy?
(a) So much that he would eat a live scorpion for her.
(b) As much as a mother bear loves her cub.
(c) So much that he is about to explode.
(d) As much as God loves his best angel, Gabriel.

4. How does Deacon Simms suggest that they end the trial?
(a) He says they should sing, dismiss, and all return to work.
(b) He says Jim Weston should be compensated for his mistreatment.
(c) He says everyone should apologize to Jim Weston and set him free.
(d) He says Joe Clarke should be run out of town, and he himself should be mayor.

5. On the charge of assault and battery, how does Jim Weston plead?
(a) He says he did it and would do it again, but he's not guilty.
(b) He says he is sorry and pleads guilty.
(c) He says he is sorry that he did it, but he is not guilty.
(d) He says he did not do it and is not guilty.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Daisy and Jim Weston plan to go?

2. Why does Jim Weston pick up a heavy stick as they walk back to town?

3. Where does Jim Weston plan to go when he gets up to leave after sitting on the railroad tracks?

4. Why does Dave Carter insist that no one in town has any right to determine Jim Weston's punishment?

5. According to the characters at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 2, how are Reverend Childers and Deacon Simms different?

(see the answer keys)

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