Mule Bone Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mule Bone Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 2, Scene 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What Bible does Reverend Childers end up using?
(a) One of the Baptists in the crowd shares his Bible with him.
(b) Joe Clarke forces Deacon Simms to share his Bible.
(c) He returns to his home to get his own Bible.
(d) He uses the church Bible from the pulpit.

2. How does Joe Clarke defend himself against Sisters Taylor and Thomas when he arrives at the trial?
(a) He says he is not choosing sides; he only wants justice.
(b) He says he understands their concerns, but he will not become a Baptist.
(c) He says they should all learn to look past their differences and get along with others.
(d) He says he does not have to answer to anyone, especially to women.

3. How many people are in the church at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 2?
(a) Only a handful of people are in church, but many are waiting outside.
(b) Exactly two people are in church, Jim Weston and Deacon Simms.
(c) The church is nearly empty.
(d) The church is almost full.

4. What does Sister Taylor suggest that changes Sister Jones' mind about testifying?
(a) She assures her that everyone else in town will be testifying, so she should join in.
(b) She convinces her that Jim Weston is really an honest, hard-working man who deserves their support.
(c) She convinces her that it is their civic responsibility to testify.
(d) She says that the issue is not about Jim Weston, but about defending themselves from the Baptists.

5. What do the men at the store begin to talk about after Jim Weston and Dave Carter arrive?
(a) They go back to arguing about whether the town needs a jail.
(b) They return to talking about the town's snake problem.
(c) They talk about who will win Daisy's heart.
(d) They talk about the weather and how it will affect the harvest.

Short Answer Questions

1. Sister Lewis chastises Brother Nixon for what offense?

2. What does Joe Clarke realize that he needs to get from the lodge room before he goes to the trial?

3. Why does Joe Clarke get frustrated with Lum Boger?

4. Describe the relationship between the Methodists and the Baptists in town.

5. What reason is given to support the idea of the Baptist minister leading the prayer before trial?

(see the answer key)

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