Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Karen Armstrong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Karen Armstrong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Is there a great deal of variety in Islam and its practices?
(a) Somewhat.
(b) Very little.
(c) No.
(d) Yes.

2. What led the author to look at the religion and at the Prophet Muhammad?
(a) Doing mission work in the Middle East.
(b) The Quran.
(c) The inaccurate Western views.
(d) Staying with a Muslim family.

3. How was monotheism viewed by the Arabians?
(a) As a form of control by the imperialists.
(b) As a way to unify groups of people.
(c) As the right way to believe.
(d) As an unusual belief system.

4. How was the Prophet Muhammad viewed?
(a) As the Great.
(b) As the Great Prophet.
(c) As the Great Leader.
(d) As the Great Pretender.

5. What is the Quran a source of information?
(a) The Old Testament.
(b) The history of Muhammad's Islamic community.
(c) The New Testament.
(d) The history of Muhammad's life.

Short Answer Questions

1. What period does the challenge of Islam to the West date back?

2. Arabs made a yearly pilgrimage which began where and proceeded to the shrines of other gods?

3. Where do most of the Western views of Islam come from?

4. Islam was viewed as a _____________ religion.

5. By the time of Muhammad's birth, there were three different divisions within his tribe. What were they based upon?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Muhammad do during the last twenty-three years of his life? Why did he do this?

2. Why did Arabia not trust monotheism?

3. Why were Muslims seen as the enemy of Christians, which led to the Crusades?

4. What is known about Muhammad's early life?

5. When and why did Muhammad begin sharing God's message?

6. What is Jahiliyah?

7. How have the feelings of Europeans towards Muslims developed since the initial fear and hatred began? What has caused this development? To what have these feelings towards Muslims led?

8. According to Armstrong, where do most Western views of Islam stem from? What facts does she give about Islam?

9. What holy places were important to the Arabs? Why were these places so important?

10. Why were Muslims seen as pagans and many Christians attempted to convert them?

(see the answer keys)

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