The Mound Builders Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mound Builders Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does August say to the recorder in Act 2 Part 3 is "becoming an enemy to thought?"
(a) Fiction.
(b) History.
(c) Love.
(d) Aesthetics.

2. Dan says that in 1500 a tribe ended up in Mississippi. What were they called?
(a) The Cherokee.
(b) The Mohicans.
(c) The Chantawks.
(d) The Natchez.

3. What does Delia say was in the "last box" of her novel?
(a) The truth.
(b) Another book.
(c) A lie.
(d) Her father.

4. Who does August speak to in Act 2 Part 3?
(a) Dianne.
(b) Dan.
(c) Kirsten.
(d) Cynthia.

5. Dan states that there's a law - "since 1954 - in this state - against" what?
(a) Public-funded transportation defacing Indian monuments.
(b) Threatening a man's wife.
(c) Disturbing Tribal burial grounds.
(d) Abandoning a wrecked vehicle.

6. How does Dan almost drown the previous summer?
(a) A fish pulled him under.
(b) He was knocked out by an oar.
(c) He fell out of the boat drunk.
(d) Chad pushed him off the pier.

7. What does Delia do to calm down the hysterical Jean in Act 2?
(a) She slaps her.
(b) She takes her outside.
(c) She makes her a drink.
(d) She calls for Cynthia.

8. August refers to the dig as what in Act 2 Part 3?
(a) The curse that cost him his marriage.
(b) A salvage operation in which we salvaged nothing.
(c) The greatest acheivement of his life.
(d) A miserable failure.

9. What does Delia compare the novel she wrote to in Act 2?
(a) A Chinese puzzle box.
(b) A riddle.
(c) A Russian doll.
(d) All of the answers are true.

10. What does Dan rush in exclaiming to Jean in Act 2 Part 4?
(a) They've discovered the great temple.
(b) They've found the grave of a god-king.
(c) They have lost everything.
(d) The dam has flooded.

11. What is the last image we see in the play?
(a) August standing alone.
(b) A slide of Dan.
(c) The view of the house.
(d) The lake.

12. Who enters to get a glass of milk at the end of Act 1?
(a) Cynthia.
(b) Dan.
(c) Kirsten.
(d) August.

13. Which character says, "I wouldn't be a man. Not and carry all the dumbfounding load they've saddled themselves with?"
(a) Kirsten.
(b) Cynthia.
(c) Jean.
(d) Delia.

14. August encounters a slide of himself in Act 2 Part 3. Where is he in the photograph?
(a) A funeral.
(b) His wedding.
(c) The excavation site.
(d) His college graduation.

15. Why is Delia wearing "real clothes" the morning of Act 2 Part 5?
(a) She is well.
(b) She is having a party.
(c) She plans on leaving today.
(d) She is going to visit the dig site.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of seeds does Kirsten find in the sifter in Act 2?

2. What does Delia ask Jean to do at the very end of Act 1?

3. What is the top caste that Dan and August speak of for the ancient people?

4. Who is present at the opening of Act 2?

5. What time is it when Dan and Chad awaken Jean in the end of Act 1?

(see the answer keys)

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