Mother Courage and Her Children Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mother Courage and Her Children Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mother Courage says it's _______ everyone is missing the commander's funeral.
(a) A pity.
(b) A disgrace.
(c) An honor.
(d) Understandable.

2. Mother Courage says that she still has _______, which gives her hope to carry on.
(a) Swiss Cheese.
(b) Money.
(c) A husband.
(d) Eilif.

3. Before she leaves the peasants' farmhouse, what does Mother Courage get for Kattrin from the wagon?
(a) Flowers.
(b) Fresh clothes.
(c) Her doll.
(d) A cloth.

4. The first soldier threatens that he will kill the cattle if the peasants are not ______.
(a) Courageous.
(b) Reasonable.
(c) Arrogant.
(d) Nice.

5. How does Mother Courage feel about moving on?
(a) She's sad.
(b) She's reluctant.
(c) She'll manage.
(d) She's happy.

6. When Mother Courage returns to the farmhouse, who is standing around Mother Courage and Kattrin's body?
(a) The cook and chaplain.
(b) The peasants.
(c) Soldiers.
(d) The ghosts of her children.

7. How does the cook's mother die?
(a) Cancer.
(b) Old age.
(c) Execution.
(d) Cholera.

8. What does the cook call the chaplain when they fight over Mother Courage?
(a) A windbag.
(b) A fool.
(c) A stud.
(d) A hero.

9. Why doesn't Mother Courage want peace?
(a) She is bored in peace.
(b) She just bought supplies.
(c) She doesn't want to see Eilif.
(d) She doesn't want Kattrin to get married.

10. What does it mean that there are no lights on in the parson's house?
(a) No one's awake.
(b) They're hiding.
(c) They've been robbed.
(d) No one's home.

11. Why do the poor need courage?
(a) They're doomed.
(b) They're weak.
(c) They're going to fight.
(d) They're lost.

12. In the chaplain's opinion, wars can look forward to ________ futures.
(a) Victorious.
(b) Prosperous.
(c) Devastating.
(d) Colorful.

13. Mother Courage claims that Kattrin would still be alive if the peasants hadn't told her about _______.
(a) The drum.
(b) The children.
(c) The food.
(d) Eilif's death.

14. How does Kattrin react when the peasants tell her there are children in town?
(a) She grows hysterical.
(b) She is happy.
(c) She is indifferent.
(d) She is troubled.

15. Why is Mother Courage encouraged to leave the farmhouse quickly and not stay with Kattrin's body?
(a) Soldiers are coming.
(b) It's getting dark.
(c) She is very rude.
(d) The peasants are angry.

Short Answer Questions

1. What song does the cook sing to the parson?

2. What does the voice from the house offer to the cook?

3. How does Yvette look after all these years when she rejoins Mother Courage?

4. Why is the cook angry with the chaplain when he returns?

5. Why can't the peasants go to town the night the soldiers come to their farmhouse?

(see the answer keys)

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