Mostly Harmless Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mostly Harmless Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Tricia fixing herself when she goes outside to see what the strange lights are?
(a) Tea.
(b) Gin and tonic.
(c) Coffee.
(d) Lemonade.

2. How long does it take Ford to complete his business in the virtual reality after satisfying the authorities of his right to be there?
(a) A half hour.
(b) Fifteen minutes
(c) Five minutes.
(d) An hour.

3. Why were office windows at one time sealed shut?
(a) So executives wouldn't jump.
(b) For climate-control systems.
(c) To allow buildings to travel in space.
(d) For protection from birds.

4. What flavor of ice cream has abnormally low sales in this changed Earth?
(a) Blueberry.
(b) Pecan.
(c) Mint chocolate-chip.
(d) Rocky road.

5. What drains Tricia even more than simply standing?
(a) Smiling and laughing.
(b) Focusing her eyes on Eric's face.
(c) Pretending she understands Eric's accent.
(d) Nodding and making remarks.

6. What hits the Earth that is the subject of this novel and makes it different from other Earths?
(a) A quark.
(b) A tiny meteorite.
(c) A neutrino.
(d) A cosmic ray.

7. What does Ford find that has replaced the piece of furniture for which he aimed?
(a) A security robot.
(b) A table filled with bottles.
(c) A small tank.
(d) A fax machine.

8. Whom does Eric blame for what Tricia finds on her lawn when she returns?
(a) Aliens.
(b) Theives.
(c) The government.
(d) Kids.

9. What do boghogs do to communicate?
(a) Scream at each other.
(b) Hit each other.
(c) Bite each other.
(d) Spit at each other.

10. What does the prophet play for Arthur to show what's happened to his profession?
(a) A record.
(b) The radio.
(c) A video.
(d) The television.

11. What day is it, when Tricia returns from New York?
(a) Sunday.
(b) Saturday.
(c) Monday.
(d) Friday.

12. How much further is the ventilation shaft from the ground than what Ford remembers?
(a) Twelve inches.
(b) Three inches.
(c) Nine inches.
(d) Six inches.

13. What do the aliens enjoy monitoring?
(a) The Marx brothers.
(b) Game shows.
(c) Action movies.
(d) Talk shows.

14. What does the Resettlement Advice Center worker do with the filing cabinet to get files out of it?
(a) It walks through the filing cabinet.
(b) It ingests the filing cabinet.
(c) It blows up the filing cabinet.
(d) It wrestles the filing cabinet.

15. What job is Tricia hoping to get in New York?
(a) Commentator for a Sunday news show.
(b) Foreign correspondent for a network news show.
(c) Anchorwoman for a morning news show.
(d) Weatherperson for a prime time news show.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Artur's bellhop look like?

2. What does Arthur hope to have on a new planet?

3. What does Tricia think monitoring Earth must be like?

4. For what does Arthur now mostly use his Hitch Hiker's Guide?

5. Who does most of the editing at the Hitch Hiker's Guide?

(see the answer keys)

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