The Moor's Last Sigh Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moor's Last Sigh Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who are Felicitas (half Arab) and Renegada (half Jewish)?
(a) Helsing's housekeepers
(b) Miranda's housekeepers
(c) local psychics
(d) local gossips

2. What is Aurora's unfinished, unsigned masterpiece?
(a) The Moor in Hell
(b) The Moor's Last Sigh
(c) The Return of the Moor
(d) The Moor's Arrival

3. What does Moor learn that Uma had done to cause his banishment by Abraham and aurora?
(a) paid someone to tell lies about him to Aurora and Abie
(b) had someone photograph him posing nude for her
(c) concealed Aurora behind a tapestry while she made love to him
(d) taped him raging against them while making love to Uma

4. What happens when Vasco turns the gun on Moor?
(a) the gun misfires
(b) Moor uses his fighting technique to kick it away
(c) he laughs and leaves Moor with the dead woman
(d) he collapses before he can fire

5. Where does Aurora allow Kekoo Mody to mount a retrospective exhibition of her works?
(a) the Gandhi Museum
(b) the British Consullate
(c) the Indian Parliament
(d) the Prince of Wales Museum

6. How long has Ina been dead when the family attends the Mahalaxmi Weekend Constitutional?
(a) a year
(b) six months
(c) forty-one days
(d) three weeks

7. Why do Abraham and Moor want to recover Miranda's crude painting Aurora called The Moor's Last Sigh?
(a) to compare it to Aurora's painting of the same name
(b) to get even with Vasco for running out on them
(c) to recover the painting of young Aurora underneath
(d) to destroy it lest someone think Aurora painted it

8. Who is the character arriving at the end of Chapter 13 that the Moor hints will drive a wedge between him and Aurora?
(a) Ida Sorrensen
(b) Ima Silvester
(c) Uma Sarasvati
(d) Ura Sahara

9. Who is the tutor with whom Moraes has a physical relationship?
(a) Dilly Hormuz
(b) Daisy Harman
(c) Dolly Hamilton
(d) Dizzy Hellman

10. Who does Moor meet as the head of Mumbai's Axis?
(a) Abraham's bodyguard
(b) Raman Fielding
(c) Lambajan Chandiwala's brother
(d) Hazaré's XI

11. Who is the stranger who offers to help Moor get oriented in Andalusia?
(a) Gottfried Helsing
(b) Felicitas Larios
(c) Renegada
(d) Eduvigis Refugio

12. What does Moraes say Minnie did that horrified Aurora?
(a) pose nude for Miranda
(b) run away with Vasco Miranda
(c) dance on the roof
(d) enter the Sisterhood of Maria Gratiaplena

13. What does Moraes tell in the interest of full disclosure about his infancy?
(a) he often watch Vasco Miranda having sex
(b) his mother and sisters had abused him as a baby
(c) he entered puberty at the age of eight
(d) Minnie used to take off all his clothes

14. How does Moraes depict the city of Bombay?
(a) as the dregs of humanity
(b) as the pit of poverty
(c) as the blight of Indian culture
(d) as the nexus of Indian culture

15. Who is the married woman and intimately involved with both Jimmy Cash and Abraham Zogoiby, at the same time as with Moor?
(a) Uma
(b) Suresh
(c) Mynah
(d) Flory

Short Answer Questions

1. When did Aurora's and Abraham's conjugal relations cease?

2. What landmark does Moor spot?

3. Who does Moor say is the woman who transformed, exalted and ruined his life?

4. How does Uma die?

5. On the payroll of Mumbai's Axis (MA), what does Moor come to be called?

(see the answer keys)

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