The Moor's Last Sigh Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moor's Last Sigh Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the analogy to Rumpelstiltskin?
(a) Flory can get more jewels by a spinning wheel
(b) Flory demands his firstborn son
(c) Abraham uses blackmail to get the jewels
(d) Flory gives Abraham a deadline to produce the son

2. Why does Aurora take her son to Lord Khusro Khusrovani Bhagwan and his charlatan mother-manager?
(a) for medicine to stunt his growth
(b) for a metaphysical encounter
(c) for a miracle healing of his hand
(d) to become an apprentice

3. Who does Moraes say helped Aurora when Abraham collapsed?
(a) an old mushroom-selling crone
(b) peg-leg Lambajan Chandiwala
(c) the three girls
(d) a mysterious dark-skinned man

4. Why is Moraes Zogoiby on the run?
(a) he is leaving his wife
(b) he has escaped from prison
(c) he has embexxled a fortune
(d) he is chased by wolves

5. What does Aurora do when she learns of the deal between Abraham and Flory?
(a) sends him to work in Bombay
(b) sends him to prison
(c) locks him out of her bedroom
(d) removes herself to Calcutta

6. How does Moraes refer to the saga of his family?
(a) the times of the crazy da Gamas of Cochin
(b) the spice of the legendary da Gamas of Cochin
(c) the legends of the battling da Gamas of Cochin
(d) the legends of the peppery da Gamas of Cochin

7. Where does Aurora achieve fame for her artwork and her political activities?
(a) Calcutta
(b) Spain
(c) Denares
(d) Bombay

8. What does Moraes call the Black Gold of Malabar?
(a) pepper
(b) ebony
(c) onyx
(d) oil

9. How does Moraes say Aurora became so famous at the Ganesha festival?
(a) by throwing lavish parties for Ganesha
(b) by painting protraits of Ganesha
(c) by underwriting the cost of Ganesha celebrations
(d) by dancing on the roof of her house

10. What need does Moraes have to be candid about his parents' sex life?
(a) to explain his madness
(b) to tell his story fully and candidly
(c) to get even with his family
(d) to establish his legitimacy

11. How does Aurora treat Abraham?
(a) she is dominating and abusing
(b) she is subservient and loving
(c) she is meek and gentle
(d) she is indifferent and uncaring

12. How does Epifania classify the renovated chapel?
(a) as fitting for a king
(b) as fitting for a birthday cake
(c) as fitting for the body and blood of Christ
(d) as fitting for an art gallery

13. Speaking of his parents, how does Moraes refer to himself?
(a) as their love child
(b) as their only heir
(c) as their bastard son
(d) as their big mistake

14. What is Moraes' medical problem?
(a) a bad heart
(b) shortness of breath
(c) tuberculosis
(d) lameness

15. What does the family legend say is in Flory's treasure chest?
(a) a four hundred year old crown
(b) diamonds from Africa
(c) a golden statue of Siva
(d) gold smuggled out of Spain

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Flory die?

2. How does Vasco Miranda enter the narrative?

3. What is Aurora's punishment for her mischief?

4. What does Aurora look like as a teenager?

5. What was like the largest, hottest dish of curry ever cooked?

(see the answer keys)

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