The Moor's Last Sigh Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moor's Last Sigh Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the words Moraes says that Aurora heard but could not see who spoke them?
(a) menchi kaboo, lawanda kazoo
(b) chicken entrails, kingdom come
(c) bibbity bobbity boo
(d) obeah, jadoo, fo, fum

2. Where does Aurora achieve fame for her artwork and her political activities?
(a) Spain
(b) Calcutta
(c) Bombay
(d) Denares

3. Who is Prince Henry the Navigator?
(a) the captain of the spice ship
(b) the Commander of British Naval Forces
(c) the long time lover of Aires
(d) the man who frees Aurora from prison

4. What does Moraes say Aurora found out about the mushroom crone?
(a) no one had ever heard of her
(b) everyone called her the madwoman
(c) she was a well known witch at Lonavla caves
(d) she was a ghost that people sometimes saw

5. Who makes a pilgrimage to Malgudi on the river Sarayu, to see the great Mahatma Gandhi?
(a) Epifania
(b) Camoens
(c) Moraes
(d) Aires

6. How does Aurora react to her portrait?
(a) she takes it to a museum
(b) she commissions three more
(c) she puts it in the great hall
(d) she is offended

7. How does Moraes say he is living?
(a) double quick
(b) alone
(c) without a home
(d) in slow motion

8. What are Epifania's last words?
(a) a prayer to St. Francis
(b) a song of praise
(c) a curse on Aurora
(d) a blessing for Aurora

9. Speaking of his parents, how does Moraes refer to himself?
(a) as their only heir
(b) as their love child
(c) as their bastard son
(d) as their big mistake

10. What drove a wedge between the between Epifania and her husband and polarized their sons?
(a) Francisco da Gama's scientific experiments
(b) Francisco da Gama's strange architecture preferences
(c) Francisco da Gama's Indian nationalism
(d) Francisco da Gama's religious fanatacism

11. What need does Moraes have to be candid about his parents' sex life?
(a) to explain his madness
(b) to get even with his family
(c) to tell his story fully and candidly
(d) to establish his legitimacy

12. Why does Aurora take her son to Lord Khusro Khusrovani Bhagwan and his charlatan mother-manager?
(a) for medicine to stunt his growth
(b) to become an apprentice
(c) for a metaphysical encounter
(d) for a miracle healing of his hand

13. The heiress to the da Gama fortune, Aurora falls in love with what older man?
(a) Adam Zogoiby
(b) Abraham Zogoiby
(c) Aaron Zogoiby
(d) Amos Zogoiby

14. What is a likely reason Flory had made her money?
(a) she had embezzled from the synagogue
(b) she had been a prostitute
(c) she had smuggled hasheesh
(d) she had been a fence for jewel thieves

15. What is the play on words in the names of Aurora's four children, Ina, Minnie, Mynah, and Moor?
(a) in a meany minor mow
(b) I'm a minna in my moat
(c) eeny, meeny, miney, moe
(d) in a minute mighty Moe

Short Answer Questions

1. Who eventually gains control of the family businesses?

2. Besides Aurora's pranks, what convinces Camoens that Belle is haunting the house?

3. To what does Moraes refer to as the sub-condiment?

4. Where has Moraes left a trail of written narratives?

5. Who says, with that God stuff I got scared?

(see the answer keys)

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