Moonraker Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moonraker Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom has Drax never seen Krebs speak?

2. What does Bond think about Drax buying a German car?

3. What is Gala Brand doing when Krebs accuses her of being a spy?

4. What are the immediate consequences of Bond's plan to save London form Moonraker?

5. When Gala Brand and Bond are lying on the beach letting their clothes dry, what alerts Bond to the possibility of danger?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the map Bond finds in his bedroom in Drax's house and Tallon's observation made prior to his murder have in common?

2. How are the people of England misled by Drax's speech on the radio, just before the launch of Moonraker?

3. What is the nature of the relationship between Bond and Brand as they are walking on the beach under the cliff where Moonraker is located?

4. When Bond receives a telegram from Vallance at Scotland Yard, what are his thoughts?

5. Although the rockslide that almost killed Bond and Brand occurred at the Moonraker site, what does Bond believe about the possibility of the Moonraker launch being postponed?

6. How is Drax mistaken for a British soldier during World War 2?

7. How has Krebs, Drax's assistant, become a suspicious character in the story?

8. How does Bond handle the situation when he discovers that Brand has a fiancé?

9. When Krebs regains consciousness after Bond finds him and knocks him out while he is searching Bond's room, what does he say when Bond questions him?

10. When Brand sees that she is very close to Buckingham Palace while in the room full of strange machines, what does she realize about Drax?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In Moonraker, we learn a great deal about James Bond.

1) List four adjectives that describe Bond's personality. Include an example from the story to explain each adjective.

2) What is a value or belief Bond has?

3) How does he act on this value or belief?

4) Does Bond change as the book progresses, and if so, how does he change? If his character remains the same, why do you think the author chose to characterize Bond in this way?

Essay Topic 2

Internal conflict affects James Bond at several points in the story. Explain what the conflict is, how Bond attempts to resolve the internal conflict, if the conflict is resolved and how it is resolved, if the conflict is not resolved why it is not resolved, and what you learned about Bond from the internal conflict. How does the resolution or lack of resolution of the internal conflict affect James Bond?

Essay Topic 3

A stereotype is a broad generalization about a certain group of people or a type of person, that the members of this group have no individual qualities. Would you consider Drax a stereotypical villain in Moonraker? Why or why not? If so, does his characterization as a stereotypical villain add or detract from the plot of the story? How? If not, would Drax as a stereotypical villain have aided your understanding of the story? How?

(see the answer keys)

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