Moonraker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moonraker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Drax's initial reaction when he sees Bond and Gala Brand walk in while he is dining?
(a) Disappointment.
(b) Relief.
(c) Shock.
(d) Welcome.

2. Where does Bond plan to spend his all-expenses-paid vacation ?
(a) France.
(b) The United States.
(c) Germany.
(d) Russia.

3. What does Vallance say when Bond tells him that Gala Brand didn't come to their meeting?
(a) Bond needs to focus on other problems.
(b) She missed a scheduled meeting with him.
(c) She will be there because she is usually late for meetings.
(d) Vallance sent her on another assignment.

4. How does Drax react when he hears the Prime Minister speak heroically about Moonraker on the radio?
(a) He remains silent.
(b) He laughs menacingly.
(c) He turns off the radio.
(d) He criticizes the Prime Minister.

5. Who does Bond receive a telegram from after dealing with the person searching his room?
(a) The Prime Minister.
(b) Vallance.
(c) M.
(d) His secretary.

6. What does Bond take from the person he finds searching his room?
(a) Keys.
(b) Identification badge.
(c) Gun.
(d) Wallet.

7. When Bond sees Drax's car at Blades after he speaks to Vallance, what does he do?
(a) Calls the local police.
(b) Follows the car to a house near Buckingham Palace.
(c) Installs a homing device on Drax's car.
(d) Goes into Blades to confront Drax.

8. What is in the notebook that Gala Brand steals from Drax's coat pocket as they travel to London?
(a) Diagrams of Moonraker.
(b) Plans to kill Bond and Gala Brand.
(c) Coordinates for the rocket launch.
(d) A list of names.

9. Who abused Drax when he was a child?
(a) His teachers.
(b) His parents.
(c) His brothers.
(d) Other children.

10. Who does Bond call the morning after he reads the employees' files?
(a) M.
(b) Vallance.
(c) His secretary.
(d) The Prime Minister.

11. What do the location of the fingerprints help Bond see on the map he finds in his room?
(a) Colored dots.
(b) A line.
(c) A red diamond.
(d) A series of circles.

12. How does Krebs refer to Drax as Gala Brand secretly listens?
(a) Herr Kaiser.
(b) Mein Fuhrer.
(c) Herr Kapitan.
(d) Sir Hugo.

13. What does Bond use to release Gala Brand's bindings as they are tied to chairs in Drax's office?
(a) A blowtorch.
(b) A bunsen burner.
(c) A cigarette lighter.
(d) A knife.

14. Where is Gala Brand when she awakens in a great deal of pain, when she is no longer in the room full of strange machines?
(a) In the trunk of Drax's car.
(b) In a back room at Blades.
(c) In the back seat of Drax's car.
(d) In a hospital in London.

15. What does Bond say the smoke he saw before the rock slide came from?
(a) Mining equipment used in a quarry.
(b) Moonraker.
(c) Dust from the collapsing rock.
(d) Dynamite in the cliff face.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bond decide to do about Gala Brand after his phone call?

2. According to the telegram, from what location did Tallon make his last phone call to Scotland Yard?

3. Where do Bond and Gala Brand hide as they wait to implement Brand's plan for Moonraker?

4. What is the setting at the opening of chapter 25?

5. What is Gala Brand's reaction when she realizes that the warhead on Moonraker is an atomic bomb?

(see the answer keys)

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