Moonraker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moonraker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bond notice when he looks up after the rock slide?
(a) Moonraker is in flames.
(b) The dome housing Moonraker has collapsed.
(c) Everything is the same as it was before the rock slide.
(d) A large piece of the cliff above is missing.

2. Why doesn't Bond accept the award offered by the Prime Minister?
(a) He is out of the country.
(b) The Secret Service doesn't accept public awards.
(c) He wants a donation made to a charity instead.
(d) He wants Brand to have it instead.

3. What happens to a car that tries to pass Drax's car as they speed to Moonraker?
(a) Drax swerves and makes the car flip over.
(b) Drax blows up the car.
(c) Drax has Krebs shoot the tires.
(d) Drax slams on his brakes and the car flies past.

4. When Gala Brand and Bond are lying on the beach letting their clothes dry, what alerts Bond to the possibility of danger?
(a) Gulls suddenly fly away from the cliff above them.
(b) He feels the ground quake.
(c) A shadow passes over Bond and Gala Brand.
(d) A man ducks back from the edge of the cliff above them.

5. What happens to the HMS Merganzer, a ship that was watching the Moonraker launch?
(a) It pulls into port just as Moonraker comes down.
(b) It is lost with most of the crew.
(c) It heads far out to sea when Moonraker is launched.
(d) It captures Drax's submarine.

6. What does Gala Brand realize she needs to do when she discovers Moonraker's target is the center of London?
(a) Kill Drax.
(b) Escape from Drax.
(c) Sabotage Moonraker.
(d) Call London.

7. What will the military be doing when Moonraker is launched?
(a) Confined to underground barracks on the compound.
(b) Patrolling the boundaries of the Moonraker facility.
(c) Watching the launch from a safe distance.
(d) They will be out of the Moonraker facility.

8. What happens to Drax's submarine when Moonraker comes down?
(a) It is thrown out of the water.
(b) It floats upside down on the surface of the water.
(c) Nothing.
(d) It disappears beneath the waves.

9. To whom has Drax never seen Krebs speak?
(a) Gala Brand.
(b) The German men.
(c) Law enforcement officials.
(d) Bond.

10. How does Drax react when he hears the Prime Minister speak heroically about Moonraker on the radio?
(a) He remains silent.
(b) He turns off the radio.
(c) He criticizes the Prime Minister.
(d) He laughs menacingly.

11. What does Bond decide to do when he discovers that the employee files of the workers at Moonraker reveal they have unblemished records?
(a) He decides to have their backgrounds rechecked.
(b) Nothing.
(c) He decides to speak personally to each employee.
(d) He decides to speak to Drax.

12. What does Bond break into in his room?
(a) A safe.
(b) A filing cabinet.
(c) A closet.
(d) A strongbox.

13. Where did Drax complete his education?
(a) Russia.
(b) Germany.
(c) France.
(d) England.

14. What is Gala Brand's reaction when she realizes that the warhead on Moonraker is an atomic bomb?
(a) She faints.
(b) She has a panic attack.
(c) She cries.
(d) She formulates a plan to escape.

15. Where do Bond and Gala Brand hide as they wait to implement Brand's plan for Moonraker?
(a) A closet in Drax's office.
(b) A shower in the adjoining bathroom.
(c) A ventilation shaft.
(d) Beneath the cliff under Moonraker.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the announcer sees Drax and his crew head out to sea in a submarine, what does he assume?

2. Why does Gala Brand ask Drax to stop at a hotel as they travel to London?

3. What does Krebs threaten Bond and Gala Brand with when Drax questions them?

4. Where does Drax say Krebs will be when the Moonraker site is closed the day that Bond makes his recommendation to Drax about Krebs and Moonraker?

5. How does Krebs refer to Drax as Gala Brand secretly listens?

(see the answer keys)

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