Moby-Dick Test | Final Test - Medium

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Moby-Dick Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Captain Ahab doing as the Pequod sails away from The Delight?
(a) praying.
(b) crying.
(c) shaking.
(d) laughing.

2. How did the watch on the mast of The Rachel know that Moby Dick had probably been harpooned.
(a) he saw the White Whale attack the boat.
(b) it happened right near The Rachel.
(c) he thought he could see it happen.
(d) he saw the boat being pulled away.

3. What does Ishmael recount about the Samuel Enderby that occurs many years later?
(a) he hears that Moby Dick sank the ship.
(b) he has a fine social evening on board the ship.
(c) he learns how the Samuel Enderby ran aground.
(d) he meets a sailor who remembers Captain Ahab.

4. What is the crew of The Delight about to do as the Pequod comes alongside?
(a) repair the masts.
(b) man the whale boats.
(c) lower the sails.
(d) bury one of their men.

5. What is the news from The Rachel as it nears the Pequod?
(a) they have seen Moby Dick.
(b) they are fleeing pirates.
(c) Moby dick has been killed.
(d) they are overloaded with oil.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the crew on the ship see Stubb's and Flask's boats coming fast toward them?

2. To what complaint does Ahab admit?

3. What happens to Ahab's hat as he perches atop the mast?

4. What happens that is uncharacteristic of Ahab?

5. Where does Ishmael say the brain of the sperm whale lies?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the evidence that there is still a vestige of humanity left in Ahab?

2. How does Starbuck try to take advantage of Ahab's tears?

3. What is Ishmael trying to ascertain as he ponders fossil remains of whales he has read about?

4. Relate the sad story of Pip.

5. What is the secret that Ishmael lets slip about why Ahab stayed in his cabin so long at the beginning of the trip?

6. After killing the sperm whale, why does Ahab want them to capture and kill the less valuable Right Whale?

7. What is the problem with maritime laws pertaining to whaling?

8. What happens to Fedallah when Moby Dick is harpooned for the first time?

9. Describe Ishmael's arguments against the man who doubts the Bible.

10. What is occupying the mind of the captain of the Rachel?

(see the answer keys)

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