Moby-Dick Test | Final Test - Medium

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Moby-Dick Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ahab finally admit?
(a) that Starbuck is right and he is wrong.
(b) that he is an inept captain.
(c) that he cannot look at the bright side of things.
(d) that he has been wrong and should return home.

2. What reaction do both Ahab and Starbuck have to the Spanish doubloon still nailed to the mast?
(a) hope.
(b) eagerness.
(c) sadness.
(d) greed.

3. What is the effect of Ahab's distraction on Starbuck?
(a) he continues to state his case.
(b) he hopes for the best.
(c) he shoves Ahab overboard.
(d) he walks sadly away.

4. What has the need for revenge done to Ahab's heart?
(a) it has weakened after three years at sea.
(b) it has softened because of tragedy.
(c) it has turned cold and unfeeling.
(d) it has doubled over the missing boy.

5. What does Ahab order the ship's blacksmith to do?
(a) reinforce the sides of the Pequod.
(b) forge an iron harpoon only for Moby Dick.
(c) make a cast iron coffin for him if Moby Dick is not found.
(d) make more lances to use on Moby Dick.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Captain Ahab doing as the Pequod sails away from The Delight?

2. What is the first thing Moby Dick does when he is spotted?

3. What is the news from The Rachel as it nears the Pequod?

4. While Starbuck is talking, what is Ahab thinking?

5. What do they find in the corpse of the blind and crippled whale?

Short Essay Questions

1. What conundrum does Ishmael pose about the whale's biological system?

2. Describe Ishmael's arguments against the man who doubts the Bible.

3. Why does Ahab transfer onto the Samuel Enderby to hear its captain's story?

4. Why does the encounter with the Bachelor irritate Ahab?

5. Relate the sad story of Pip.

6. What happens to Fedallah when Moby Dick is harpooned for the first time?

7. What is occupying the mind of the captain of the Rachel?

8. What is the problem with maritime laws pertaining to whaling?

9. How does Ishmael show the further mental deterioration of Ahab?

10. What ironic thought does Ahab have while looking at Queequeg's coffin?

(see the answer keys)

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