Milkweed: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Milkweed: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What name does Uri give the narrator?
(a) Misha.
(b) Mike.
(c) Ferdi.
(d) Olek.

2. Who invades the stables one morning while the boys are sleeping in it?
(a) Children.
(b) Jackboots.
(c) Orphans.
(d) Jews.

3. Why does the boy in the street have a newspaper on his face?
(a) The boy was cold.
(b) The boy had been abandoned.
(c) The boy was dead.
(d) The boy was sleeping.

4. Where does Uri often deliver coal?
(a) To the shops.
(b) To the orphanage.
(c) To the Jackboots.
(d) To the bakery.

5. What does the Jewish armband look like?
(a) White with a red circle.
(b) White with a blue star.
(c) White with a yellow square.
(d) White with a green heart.

6. What does one man in a black coat do with his beard?
(a) He tries to eat it.
(b) He scrubs the sidewalk with it.
(c) He chops it off.
(d) He shampoos it on the street.

7. Where do the boys go after the stable is invaded?
(a) The orphanage.
(b) The ghetto.
(c) The merry-go-round.
(d) Germany.

8. What happens to the merry-go-round the day after Misha rides it?
(a) Someone dies on it.
(b) Someone steals a horse.
(c) Someone tears it down.
(d) Someone vandalizes it.

9. What tombstone fascinates Misha in the cemetery?
(a) The one with Moses.
(b) The one with an angel.
(c) The one with Jesus.
(d) The one with a devil.

10. What does Misha offer to the man who shows up in the stable?
(a) A sausage.
(b) His shoes.
(c) His necklace.
(d) A candy.

11. What happens when the narrator runs into another boy stealing food on the street?
(a) They fight each other.
(b) They laugh with each other.
(c) They fight and then laugh with each other.
(d) They recognize each other.

12. What sounds does Misha think he hears in the middle of the night?
(a) The music of his past.
(b) The sounds of gunshots.
(c) The music of the merry-go-round.
(d) The sounds of bombs.

13. What kind of physical makeover does Uri give Misha?
(a) A clothing makeover.
(b) A haircut.
(c) A nose job.
(d) A manicure.

14. What does Uri put around Misha's neck to keep him from running off?
(a) A tracking device.
(b) A necklace.
(c) A dog collar.
(d) A leash.

15. What does Uri tell Misha the name of his favorite horse was?
(a) Gina.
(b) Grace.
(c) Greta.
(d) Gertrude.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Uri do with the excess bread when Misha steals five loaves?

2. What does Misha notice about the wall around the ghetto?

3. What do the Jackboots make the Jews do for hours on end?

4. What does the person living in Janina's house pour on Misha's head?

5. What does Uri tell Misha he believes in?

(see the answer keys)

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