Mila 18 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mila 18 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By the time Mila 18 is destroyed, how many Jews are left in the ghetto?
(a) 600-700.
(b) 300-400.
(c) 400-500.
(d) 200-300.

2. In Part 4, Chapter 18, what do the Joint Forces member steal from dead German soldiers?
(a) Guns and bullets.
(b) Cigarettes.
(c) Water canteens.
(d) Nazi ID badges.

3. In Part 4, Chapter 14, The Nazi attack begins with the sending in of the elite ___________.
(a) Reinhard Corps.
(b) SA.
(c) SS.
(d) Tanks.

4. Humiliated by continued defeat and berated by Himmler, what does Funk decide to do to the ghetto?
(a) Use planes to bomb the entire ghetto.
(b) Set the ghetto on fire using gasoline bombs.
(c) Pour lighter fluid around the perimeter of the ghetto, then light it on fire in the middle of the night.
(d) Throw bombs into the sewers, where he knows Jews are hiding.

5. At the end of Part 4, Chapter 13, word is received that the German attack will occur the next morning, as Jews in all of the bunkers begin the celebration of which Jewish holiday?
(a) Rosh Hashanah.
(b) Rosh Chodesh.
(c) Yom Kippur.
(d) Passover.

6. What happens to Mila 18 in Funk's attack in Part 4, Chapter 18?
(a) It is set ablaze and everything inside burns.
(b) It catches on fire, but people living in it are able to put out the fire before all of the supplies are burned.
(c) It is far enough underground that it's not affected.
(d) Although it does not catch on fire, it is flooded with smoke from surrounding fires and people are forced to evacuate.

7. Who is sent to Rachel's apartment in order to confirm a rendezvous point and get more provisions?
(a) Tolek.
(b) Rachel.
(c) Chris.
(d) Wolf.

8. After Funk turns the task of final liquidation over to Von Epp and Dr. Koenig, who is the first person with whom Koenig meets?
(a) Andrei Androfski.
(b) Chris De Monti.
(c) Simon Elder.
(d) Wolf Brandel.

9. Part 4, Chapter 19 opens with the live capture of ______________ and two of his men.
(a) Moritz.
(b) Koenig.
(c) Wolf.
(d) Andrei.

10. When the orphanage is raided and the children are put on boxcars, what do the nurses do?
(a) Offer themselves in place of the children.
(b) Lie to the children and say they are going to a safe place.
(c) Hold the children and sing together to quell their fears.
(d) Hand out poisoned chocolates to everyone.

11. What building(s) in the ghetto does Funk's plan of attack in Part 4, Chapter 11 involve taking over?
(a) The factories.
(b) Mila 19.
(c) Mila 18.
(d) The synogogue.

12. The Communist faction of the Joint Forces attempts an escape through the sewer pipes to _______________.
(a) Lublin.
(b) The Posnan River.
(c) The Vistula River.
(d) Lodz.

13. When the Nazis couldn't find enough 'volunteers' to go to the day labor camps, from where did the Nazis send people?
(a) The ghetto hospital.
(b) The ghetto school.
(c) The ghetto factories.
(d) Neighboring ghettos.

14. When the person with whom Horst Von Epp is meeting with at the end of Part 3 appears, what does he tell that individual to do?
(a) Escape to Hungary on the next train.
(b) Join the Nazis.
(c) Escape to America on the next boat.
(d) Get lost in the ghetto.

15. What does the Good Fellowship Club bury in their final meeting?
(a) Journals.
(b) Food.
(c) Valuables.
(d) People.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part 4, Chapter 16, the Joint Forces have four more victories, but they are running out of ___________

2. When the Nazis attack the brush-making factory, how are they stopped?

3. In Part 4, Chapter 3, Andrei and Simon successfully fight the SS, using which two weapons?

4. At the end of Part 4, Chapter 22, how does Gabriela realize there is someone coming through the sewer lines?

5. How many individuals are in the group formed when the Jewish factions unite?

(see the answer keys)

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