Middle Passage Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Charles Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Middle Passage Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Charles Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Captain Falcon's ship is going to Bangalang, located on the coast of which country?
(a) Ghana.
(b) India.
(c) Greece.
(d) Guinea.

2. What does Isadora tell Rutherford he should do instead of constantly getting drunk?
(a) Join the crew of a ship.
(b) Reconcile with his family.
(c) Something productive with his life.
(d) Go back to the plantation.

3. How much water do the Allmuseri have in the hold where they are they are kept?
(a) Six inches.
(b) A foot.
(c) Two feet.
(d) An inch.

4. The crew seems to spend most of their time at sea:
(a) Partying.
(b) Complaining about the lack of cleanliness.
(c) Attempting to repair the ship.
(d) Getting drunk.

5. When Falcon starts telling Rutherford intimate details about the crew members, how does Rutherford say it makes him feel?
(a) Powerful.
(b) Unclean.
(c) Dirty.
(d) Privileged.

Short Answer Questions

1. What prophecy of Reverend Chandler about him does Rutherford say comes true in Entry 3?

2. What does Cringle tell Rutherford that Falcon watches for in each crew member?

3. At the beginning of Entry 2, what does Rutherford say wakes him up?

4. Captain Falcon asks Rutherford to be his ____________ around the crew.

5. Who does Cringle tell Rutherford is already aboard the ship when Rutherford presents his (stolen) work papers?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Falcon begins telling Rutherford intimate details about his crew, what does Rutherford decide the captain's motives for doing so must be?

2. As Rutherford learns more about the Republic from Cringle, he finds it is a typical ship. What, according to Rutherford, is a "typical ship"?

3. When Cringle is appointed to become captain once Falcon is out of the way, what does he promise the crew?

4. What tendency of Rutherford's can Reverend Chandler do nothing to stifle?

5. Rutherford's first excuse for coming aboard the ship is that he is Squibb and is ready to work. What is his second excuse, after Cringle tells him that Squibb is on board?

6. What is Captain Falcon's reason for telling Rutherford to sit down?

7. Why, although it is against his better judgment, does Rutherford steal Squibb's work papers?

8. What does Rutherford think about Isadora's choice of New Orleans as her city of residence?

9. How does Rutherford describe Captain Falcon?

10. As the Republic leaves the African coast, to what does Rutherford attribute the uneasiness he senses in Captain Falcon?

(see the answer keys)

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