Metal Men: Marc Rich and the 10-billion-dollar Scam Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

A. Craig Copetas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Metal Men: Marc Rich and the 10-billion-dollar Scam Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

A. Craig Copetas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Metal Men: Marc Rich and the 10-billion-dollar Scam Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 10 and 11.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The author writes that in the geographical location of Europe, one could buy a metal for one dollar from a Far Eastern customer and sell it for how much to a North American customer before the day ended?
(a) $2.
(b) $1.50.
(c) $3.
(d) $5.

2. Under what master mover of the precious metals did many of the new recruits work under the tutelage of at Philipp Brothers?
(a) Edmond Mantell.
(b) Pincus Green.
(c) Sam Fishman.
(d) Ali Rezai.

3. What company did Marc Rich buy as a tax shelter to hide his massive cash assets?
(a) Pixar.
(b) 20th Century Fox.
(c) CNN.
(d) Warner Brothers.

4. What product did Marc Rich's father-in-law trade in Chapter 5?
(a) Lumber.
(b) Oil.
(c) Metals.
(d) Shoes.

5. Marc Rich's new father-in-law in Chapter 5 was the chairman of what company?
(a) Bernlieb, Liebhard, and Watson.
(b) Desco, Inc.
(c) Keds, Inc.
(d) Goldman Sachs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What company had Marc Rich begun working at immediately after dropping out of college?

2. When did Philipp Brothers merge with a publicly owned company, as described in Chapter 5?

3. In what year did Marc Rich begin his career as a metal man?

4. The town where Rich and Pinky set up their headquarters allowed individuals to conduct business by doing what?

5. The author writes in Chapter 6 that solid relationships with what were essential in the trading world?

(see the answer key)

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