Messenger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Messenger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Matty use mud for after they complete their journey through the swamp?
(a) To soothe Kira's bleeding feet and legs.
(b) To treat their mosquito bites.
(c) To soothe his swollen arms.
(d) To treat their snake bites.

2. How does Kira know that Matty is going to ask her to leave with him?
(a) She's seen it in the tapestry .
(b) She heard Matty talking in his sleep.
(c) She felt it from Leader's presence.
(d) She knew that it was time for that to happen.

3. What weapon does Leader say he needs in order to rescue Matty and Kira?
(a) Only their gifts.
(b) A knife.
(c) A map.
(d) Faith.

4. What happens when Matty sits on a log that he'd always used for a bench during his previous travels?
(a) It crumbles and breaks apart.
(b) He is almost instantly covered with vines.
(c) He can't find it.
(d) He's immediately hit with the stench of decaying matter.

5. What does Matty plan to carry inside his shirt?
(a) Frolic.
(b) The messages.
(c) Food for snacks.
(d) Herbs in case he becomes ill.

6. What is the result on Kira when Matty's power is unleashed on the earth?
(a) She begins to breath easy and falls asleep.
(b) Her body heals and she moves toward Matty.
(c) She wakes and begins to cry.
(d) Her body heals and she reaches out to Leader.

7. Who gave Matty his first bath?
(a) His brother.
(b) His mother.
(c) Seer.
(d) Kira.

8. How far into Forest is Leader when he realizes he's being attacked?
(a) Two days.
(b) Less than a day.
(c) Less than a hour.
(d) Four or five hours.

9. What does Matty think about in an effort to distract himself from the discomfort?
(a) Jean.
(b) His brother.
(c) Frolic.
(d) Himself as a boy.

10. What is the tapestry Kira is working on?
(a) A portrait of a man and woman.
(b) A landscape of mountains.
(c) A picture of fruit on a table.
(d) A garden.

11. What does Kira say when her mind first meets Leader's?
(a) Tell my father I love him.
(b) Matty can't help me.
(c) Leader.
(d) We need you.

12. What is it that Kira dyes?
(a) Threads for her tapestries.
(b) Materials for blankets.
(c) Paper for books .
(d) Paints.

13. What happens to those building the wall in Village as Matty's power is unleashed on the earth?
(a) They stop their work.
(b) They work faster.
(c) They sit down to wait for instruction from Leader.
(d) They listen to the sounds and wonder what to do.

14. What does Matty note about Kira's eyes when she's working on the tapestry?
(a) He can't see her eyes.
(b) Her eyes are open but focused on the tapestry.
(c) Her eyes are closed.
(d) Her eyes are open but unseeing.

15. What is Kira's reaction when Matty says he can heal her leg?
(a) She says she's afraid to let him try.
(b) She asks if they can wait till the following day.
(c) She simply refuses.
(d) She says she'll think about it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kira say about her sight after Leader has entered Forest?

2. Why is no one being allowed into Ramon's house?

3. What is the new ailment Matty has?

4. What is it that Frolic fears?

5. What is Matty waiting for when his hands begin to vibrate?

(see the answer keys)

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