Men Without Women: Stories Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Men Without Women: Stories Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the cause of Dr. Tokai's death?
(a) Drowning.
(b) Self-starvation.
(c) Drug overdose.
(d) Jumping off a bridge.

2. The narrator of "An Independent Organ" states that most of the story's contents come from what source?
(a) Comments to the narrator from people close to Dr. Tokai.
(b) The narrator's pure conjecture.
(c) Dr. Tokai's comments to the narrator.
(d) A series of recorded interviews with Dr. Tokai.

3. How does the narrator of "An Independent Organ" describe the level of success enjoyed by Dr. Tokai's medical practice?
(a) Mountains of debt.
(b) Booming business.
(c) Dwindling prospects.
(d) Breaking even.

4. Though Dr. Tokai does not want to get married, how does he feel about marriage in general?
(a) He feels that marriage should be outlawed.
(b) He feels that marriage is only for a select few.
(c) He feels that divorce rates are too high to believe in monogamous love anymore.
(d) He feels that marriage is a sacred institution that should be respected.

5. At what point in her life does Scheherazade say she had realized her former status as a particular creature?
(a) During junior high school.
(b) During elementary school.
(c) During college.
(d) During high school.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Kino and his ex-wife meet once their divorce is finalized, what does Kino's wife say she has been wanting to tell Kino?

2. When Kino finally learns the name of the bald man who always sits in the same spot in his bar, what is it?

3. The narrator of "An Independent Organ" states that Dr. Tokai had never "found it odd" (84) to have how many girlfriends at once?

4. With respect to the topic of "being quick on the draw" (86), the narrator references a film by what famous director?

5. Kino describes his bar as "a place where his heart could be" (153) what?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is the theme of escape depicted within Habara's receipt of Scheherazade's stories?

2. To what work is the title of the story "Scheherazade" referring and what is the significance of the title?

3. Dr. Tokai describes himself to the narrator using what two adjectives?

4. Around the time Kino's cat disappears, what other creatures begins to show up outside of the bar and what do they symbolize?

5. What are Kino's feelings toward his ex-wife and her lover, who had also been Kino's colleague?

6. How does Kino come to own a bar and what had he done for work prior to the purchase?

7. What type of doctor is Dr. Tokai and how does his job relate to his preferred habits regarding dating?

8. What is Dr. Tokai's eventual fate?

9. What is the symbolism inherent in Kino's bar?

10. How is vivid imagery employed within Scheherazade's depiction of her former life as a lamprey eel?

(see the answer keys)

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