The Master Builder Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Master Builder Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mrs. Solness say is dreadful about the nurseries?
(a) The carpet
(b) The design
(c) The coldness
(d) The emptiness

2. What did Solness say he would call the kingdom
(a) Pear Rot
(b) Orangia
(c) Mandarina
(d) Peach Melba

3. Why does Hilda not want to go to the shops?
(a) She does not want to go alone
(b) She has no money
(c) She is too busy
(d) She hates shopping

4. What word does Hilda say she cannot stand?
(a) Love
(b) Duty
(c) Mad
(d) Strangers

5. What does Solness say the others will say?
(a) Fill me up
(b) Get rid of the old man
(c) Fun, fun, fun
(d) Make room, make room

6. What chair does Solness lean against?
(a) The dining room chair
(b) The rocking chair
(c) The sofa
(d) The armchair

7. To where does the open door lead?
(a) The reception
(b) The draughtsmen's office
(c) The games room
(d) The garden

8. What is the name of Knut's son?
(a) Ragnar
(b) Helmut
(c) Kaia
(d) Henrik

9. What kind of hat does Solness wear?
(a) Baseball hat
(b) Top hat
(c) Felt hat
(d) Bowler hat

10. What does Solness say someone will come and say to him?
(a) Lead me to riches
(b) Show me the way
(c) Give me a chance
(d) Love me

11. What kind of hat does Hilda wear?
(a) A top hat
(b) A sailor's hat
(c) A hunting hat
(d) A bowler hat

12. What is Kaia's surname?
(a) Hamsun
(b) Solness
(c) Fosli
(d) Herdal

13. What does Hilda tell Solness he did many times to her?
(a) Laughed at her
(b) Poked her
(c) Kissed her
(d) Slapped her

14. What does Hilda say she dreamed she was falling down?
(a) A precipice
(b) A tower
(c) A mountain
(d) A cliff

15. Why does Hilda say she dislikes the word duty?
(a) It is uncaring
(b) It is used by enemies
(c) It is too informal
(d) It is sharp and stinging

Short Answer Questions

1. Who knocks on the door?

2. What does Solness hold under his arms?

3. Where does Solness suggest that Hilda makes the rounds?

4. What does Hilda put on the table?

5. What does Dr. Herdal say young people have a bad habit of doing?

(see the answer keys)

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