The Man in the High Castle Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man in the High Castle Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the discussion of The Grasshopper Lies Heavy lead Joe and Juliana to do?

2. As Chapter 7 closes, what gives Childan a feeling of "excitement and anticipation?"

3. What does Tagomi fear about The Oracle that has him so upset?

4. What does Reiss find is his main role in the plan to capture Wegener?

5. In Chapter 11, what does Childan hear regarding Betty Kasoura that disappoints him?

Short Essay Questions

1. As her concern about Joe and his real identity and intentions grow, Juliana's thoughts revert to Frank. First, she thinks, "Frank. Help me. I'm into something I don't understand." A bit later she informs Joe, "My husband is a Jew." What does this suggest about her feelings about Frank? What is further revealed about her character?

2. In Chapter 8, Reiss receives two messages about individuals who have come into the PSA. What does he learn? What can we assume as a result?

3. Chapter 10 focuses on the internal and external conflicts faced by Baynes. What are these conflicts? What do they suggest about his character?

4. Chapter 9 repeats a technique used by Philip Dick in earlier chapters. He presents multiple characters and scenarios within a single chapter. What three scenarios are presented, and who is included in each? How does Dick attain a sense of unity despite the differing scenarios?

5. Back in the park, Tagomi thinks of his perception of the world as an optical distortion saying, "our space and our time creations of our own psyche, and when these momentarily falter ... all sense of balance is gone." What does this mean? How does it relate to Tagomi's present state of mind?

6. Tagomi buys a piece of Edfrank Jewelry at Childan's suggestion. What selling angle does Childan use that convinces Tagomi to buy it? What does Tagomi hope to get from this purchase? What does this say about his present state of mind? What has the jewelry come to symbolize overall?

7. Juliana's words and thoughts seem jumbled and senseless at one point in Chapter 13 as she says things like, " Hair creates bear who removes spots in nakedness." and "However, only woman." What is the cause of this gibberish and disorientation? Do you feel this type of dialogue enhances or distracts from the storyline? Why?

8. In response to Paul's return of the jewelry, it is said that "long habit had caused Childan to suppress any show of authentic feelings ... He could sense it there..the mask." What is this saying about Childan? What other characters do we find wearing "masks"? Why? What does this further say about this society in general?

9. How has Tagomi's most prized possession a "perfectly preserved U.S. 1860 Civil War Colt .44, a treasured collector's item" changed in significance as the story progresses?

10. As Childan reflects on how his beliefs have been shaken, he pities himself as being a salesman who has to deal with people like Tagomi, who, in his words, "by merest reflection manage to rub my nose in it, make my life miserable." In what way does this statement take an ironic twist in light of how he treats McCarthy and makes plans for Edfrank Jewelry?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The early 1960s, the time period this novel was both written and set in, was a predominantly male-oriented society where the female was often considered weak and inferior. In what way does Philip Dick's novel support this attitude? In what way has it broken from the stereotype? What do you feel is his message about gender stereotyping? Give examples to support your opinion.

Essay Topic 2

What is the significance of the novel's title, The High Castle, both at a literal and symbolic level? What is the further significance of what Juliana learns about it when she finally meets Abendsen? What does Philip Dick appear to be saying through the multiple levels of meaning and the change that takes place? Be thorough and specific in your discussion.

Essay Topic 3

Mr. Tagomi can be described as a dynamic character, one that goes through a transformation from the story's beginning to its end. Trace the development of Tagomi from his telephone conversation in Chapter 1 with Childan to the final chapter when he confronts Reiss. In what ways does he change? What influences these changes? Be specific throughout your discussion.

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