The Man in the High Castle Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man in the High Castle Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. After McCarthy shows Childan the Edfrank jewelry, Childan decides to _________________.

2. What does the I Ching tell Juliana when she consults it for advice?

3. How does Joe appear when he tries to explain to Juliana what Abendsen is saying in the novel?

4. Why does Wegener give the cigarette case to Tedeki?

5. Why is Frank petrified when the police call him Fink?

Short Essay Questions

1. Paul sees The Grasshopper Lies Heavy as being "possibly within the genre of science fiction." Betty disagrees because "science fiction deals with the future, in particular where science has advanced over now." Paul notes, however, that "it deals with an alternate present" as many well-known science fiction novels do. How do their definitions fit into the classifying of The High Castle as science fiction? Is there anything you would add to their definition?

2. Why is Tagomi shocked when the elderly man shows up for the meeting with Baynes? What concerns does Tagomi share with him? What is the visitor's reaction to these concerns?

3. In Chapter 8, upon entering the Kasoura neighborhood, Childan thinks to himself, "I do not belong here." In what way is this statement true? What does the author draw upon from actual history to depict this scene?

4. Vom Meere tells Reiss he received an anonymous phone call from a Japanese official regarding an appointment with a Swedish industrialist. Who most likely made this call? Why? How does this later impact on him?

5. Toward the end of Chapter 14, Reiss comes to visit Tagomi. What is the purpose of his visit? How does Tagomi react to this? What is this further revealing about Tagomi's character in light of the conflicts he has been facing, both externally and internally?

6. In response to Paul's return of the jewelry, it is said that "long habit had caused Childan to suppress any show of authentic feelings ... He could sense it there..the mask." What is this saying about Childan? What other characters do we find wearing "masks"? Why? What does this further say about this society in general?

7. As Childan reflects on how his beliefs have been shaken, he pities himself as being a salesman who has to deal with people like Tagomi, who, in his words, "by merest reflection manage to rub my nose in it, make my life miserable." In what way does this statement take an ironic twist in light of how he treats McCarthy and makes plans for Edfrank Jewelry?

8. Wegener speaks of the political situation of the Third Reich and its plans for Japan. As he explains what the Japanese must do to protect their own interests and country, Tagomi grows more and more upset. Why, if Wegener is trying to help, is Tagomi so disturbed?

9. Juliana's words and thoughts seem jumbled and senseless at one point in Chapter 13 as she says things like, " Hair creates bear who removes spots in nakedness." and "However, only woman." What is the cause of this gibberish and disorientation? Do you feel this type of dialogue enhances or distracts from the storyline? Why?

10. In Chapter 13, when Juliana questions the change in Joe's appearance, he replies, "I'm tired of being a wop." What changes in Joe does she witness? How can his statement be interpreted in more than one way? What is being implied here?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What is the significance of the novel's title, The High Castle, both at a literal and symbolic level? What is the further significance of what Juliana learns about it when she finally meets Abendsen? What does Philip Dick appear to be saying through the multiple levels of meaning and the change that takes place? Be thorough and specific in your discussion.

Essay Topic 2

The I Ching played a key role in plot development. Explain what the I Ching is and what purpose it serves to its users. Give examples of the role it played in moving along the events of the story.

Essay Topic 3

Authors have many techniques available to help them develop a character. These include physical description, dialogue with another character, personal thoughts or monologues, and comments from other characters or from the author himself. Select a character from the novel that you feel has been fully developed. Discuss how the character was given a personality through the author's use of the above techniques. Be specific with both character traits and how they were developed.

(see the answer keys)

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