The Man in the High Castle Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man in the High Castle Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is revealed about Baynes when the young driver tries to make conversation with him in Chapter 5?

2. How would you describe the feelings attached to Juliana's and Joe's memories of "living under the Nazis"?

3. What has caused Africa to become a wasteland?

4. What word best describes Childan's overall opinion of the Germans?

5. At the start of Chapter 6, Juliana attributes the healthier appearance of the Germans as depicted in a magazine article as proof of _____________.

Short Essay Questions

1. What new insight does Chapter 5 give the reader into the character of Baynes? What might this be foreshadowing?

2. What appears to be the source of Juliana's depression at the start of Chapter 3? Why might this be considered to be ironic?

3. Juliana responds to the radio commentary about the potential new Chancellor by saying, "Those murderers are talked about as if they are like the rest of us." Joe responds,"There isn't anything they've done that we wouldn't have done if we'd been in their places." What does Joe mean by this? What proof has Joe offered to support his opinion?

4. Wyndam-Matson and his girlfriend get into a long discussion about historicity. What is historicity? What point does Wyndam-Matson make about it? How is this idea supported in the novel?

5. What is Childan's plan when he makes an appointment with his supplier, Ray Calvin? What does this further reveal about his character? Do you feel this is a realistic reaction?

6. Despite initiating a relationship with Joe, whom she finds attractive, Juliana begins to feel uncomfortable around him. Why? What might this be foreshadowing?

7. What do we learn about the German impact on television production and programming in Chapter 6? Of what significance is this to the storyline?

8. In Chapter 1, the author introduces the characters of Mr. Tagomi and the Kasouras as clients of Childan through the juxtaposition of conversations he has with each. What do we learn about each as a result? How do these clients compare?

9. At the close of Chapter 6, we find Frank and McCarthy excited about starting their jewelry business. Despite this, Frank has some real concerns. Why? Are they legitimate?

10. In Chapter 4, Frank speaks of Gresham's Law. What does this law suggest? How does Childan's reaction to the discovery about some of his merchandise reflect his understanding of the importance of this law?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Irony can be an effective tool by an author to make a point, develop a character, or move along the plot. Discuss Philip Dick's use of irony in the novel and the purpose it serves. Give at least two examples as proof. For each, explain its relevance to the novel's success.

Essay Topic 2

What is the significance of the novel's title, The High Castle, both at a literal and symbolic level? What is the further significance of what Juliana learns about it when she finally meets Abendsen? What does Philip Dick appear to be saying through the multiple levels of meaning and the change that takes place? Be thorough and specific in your discussion.

Essay Topic 3

The protagonist, or hero, of a story is a character pitted against an important opponent, the antagonist. Who do you feel is the protagonist of this novel? Explain and give proof to validate your choice. In your explanation, describe what he or she is up against, how the opposition is dealt with, and how this makes the person heroic. Be specific throughout.

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