Man-eaters of Kumaon Test | Final Test - Hard

Jim Corbett (hunter)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Man-eaters of Kumaon Test | Final Test - Hard

Jim Corbett (hunter)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. After having very little success using buffalo as lures, what does Corbett try using?

2. What does Corbett discover the morning after the storm when he checks on the first buffalo he staked out in hopes of luring the Mohan man-eater?

3. What does Corbett see first on the trail as he is stalking the man-eater of Mohan?

4. What does the father do when he realizes his son is missing?

5. What does Corbett deduce about the man-eater from the information the villagers give him?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Corbett hear from the village of Thak when he sitting out over a dead buffalo waiting for the tiger to return? Why is this unusual? Where does it come from and what do people say it was?

2. Describe how the Pipal Pani tiger gets shot for a second time, and how the men who go in search of him unknowingly put their lives in great danger, and what may have saved them.

3. Describe how Corbett finally encounters the Thak man-eater?

4. What is Corbett's main intention at the locale of the story The Fish of My Dreams? Why is he having difficulty and when does he decide to go fishing?

5. Describe the night Corbett spends in a tree waiting for the Kanda man-eater. What happens at night and how does it end?

6. When Corbett waits in a tree for the Kanda man-eater, he is jerked to full awareness by a langur warning call. What does Corbett first think it is that made the langur call, and what does it turn out to be? Explain.

7. What run-in does the labor camp have with the man-eater of Thak? What happens?

8. Why does Corbett worry about Ibbotson and his men one night after they leave him to sit up over a kill at night? What happens, and why didn't Corbett do anything?

9. What happens between the time that Corbett throws his line in the water and when he tosses the flopping fish onto the shore?

10. What alarms the Pipal Pani tiger and his mate of Corbett's approach? Give details.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write an essay about the British occupation of India.

Part 1. When, how, and why did the British occupy India? How did this benefit Great Britain and what consequences were there for India?

Part 2. Describe British / Indian relations up to and including World War 1. Explain the motives for the choices India made. Was this what the English were expecting?

Part 3. What happened after World War 1? Describe the Indian fight for independence.

Part 4. When did the British leave? How has India fared since they left? What might India have been like without the occupation?

Essay Topic 2

Write an essay about leopards and tigers.

Part 1. Give a general introduction to tigers and leopards, providing general information like how many there are and where they live.

Part 2. How are they similar? Discuss the many ways in which leopards and tigers are similar.

Part 3. How are they different? Despite all their similarities, tigers and leopards are quite unique. Describe how they are different from each other and the other big cats.

Essay Topic 3

Corbett refers many times to an unexplained feeling of danger that warns him when a tiger is nearby. Write an essay about extra-sensory perception.

Part 1. Describe the "feeling of danger" that Corbett experiences many times in his stories. Is Corbett's experience a common one?

Part 2. Explain what extra-sensory perception is, and the various forms it is reportedly experienced.

Part 3. Discuss the scientific approach that has been taken to explain ESP and the results.

(see the answer keys)

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