Man-eaters of Kumaon Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Jim Corbett (hunter)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Man-eaters of Kumaon Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Jim Corbett (hunter)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Corbet spend the first night in Pali?

2. How does Corbett choose to approach the leopard?

3. What does Corbett say he has noted about the coats of man-eaters?

4. What establishes the fact that the first of the Chowgrarh tigers Corbett kills is also a man-eater?

5. What does Corbett say plays an important part in the sport of hunting man-eaters?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the affliction of the tigress of Muktesar and circumstance of her first human kills.

2. What goes wrong with the beat that Corbett plans to drive the tigress down a gorge? How does it all work out?

3. What does the author give as the reason for the difference in hunting habits of man-eating tigers and man-eating leopards?

4. Summarize the hunt for the leopard that Corbett tells which culminates in Robin leaving him in a tight corner.

5. Explain the connection between a disease epidemic and the resurgence of man-eating leopards.

6. What happened to other hunters that nearly were able to shoot the Bachelor of Powalgarh? Tell how he escaped twice despite being only feet away from seasoned hunters that were hunting him.

7. How does the bear hunt start when Corbett is out shooting ghooral for the village? What happens in the bear hunt and how do they eventually kill the bear?

8. What story does Corbett recount about the first time he took Robin out hunting as a puppy? What was Corbett's reaction to what happened?

9. Why is the first girl that the Chowgarh tiger wounded not being tended to when Corbett arrives? How was she attacked and how did she get to town?

10. Explain what happens when Corbett takes the skin of the tigress of Champawat to the woman that had pursued it when it carried off her sister.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Kumaon is located in the mountainous northern part of India. Write an essay about India and this particular region.

Part 1. Give an overview and introduction of India, focusing on what it was like during the early 1900's. Include a description of the English Indian Army.

Part 2. Introduce the region of Kumaon in context of the rest of India. Where is it located? What is its geography?

Part 3. Describe the populace of the Kumaon region. What kind of lives did they lead in the 1900's? What, if anything, has changed since then?

Part 4. How did the people of the Kumaon region co-exist with tigers and leopards in the early 1900's? How about today?

Essay Topic 2

Write an essay about the British occupation of India.

Part 1. When, how, and why did the British occupy India? How did this benefit Great Britain and what consequences were there for India?

Part 2. Describe British / Indian relations up to and including World War 1. Explain the motives for the choices India made. Was this what the English were expecting?

Part 3. What happened after World War 1? Describe the Indian fight for independence.

Part 4. When did the British leave? How has India fared since they left? What might India have been like without the occupation?

Essay Topic 3

Many people that Corbett helped had never seen a rifle being used before his, and even in a land where man-eating tigers were wreaking havoc guns were scarce. Write a history of the development of firearms.

Part 1. Where did the first firearm originate from? What weapons were their ancestors?

Part 2. Describe the evolution of firearms from the first ones to the ones we are familiar with today. Include their migration all around the globe.

Part 3. How did firearms change the world around them?

(see the answer keys)

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