Man-eaters of Kumaon Test | Final Test - Medium

Jim Corbett (hunter)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Man-eaters of Kumaon Test | Final Test - Medium

Jim Corbett (hunter)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What ailment does Corbett wake up with the first morning in Mohan?
(a) A horrible rash.
(b) A fever.
(c) A cough.
(d) Laryngitis.

2. How does the Pipal Pani tiger get wounded in the shoulder?
(a) A fight with another tiger.
(b) He isn't careful returning to a kill and gets shot.
(c) A fight with a leopard.
(d) He gets shot when attacking cattle.

3. Which of the following best characterizes how Corbett feels after shooting the Pipal Pani tiger?
(a) Nostalgia.
(b) Utter sadness.
(c) Mixed emotions.
(d) Relief.

4. What does Corbett say is more important than the weight of the fish?
(a) The memory of the beautiful place.
(b) The thrill of the moment.
(c) The epic battle in order to catch it.
(d) The taking of a life from the river.

5. Why does Corbett give up trying to film his subject?
(a) The light gets bad.
(b) The subject disappears.
(c) He gets tired.
(d) The tigress gets hostile.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Corbett is on a tall rock and thinks he sees the man-eater below him, what is he really looking at?

2. Which of the following is a habit of the Thak man-eater?

3. What had the young man in the story just completed when he goes to leave some things at home?

4. Who tracks the man-eater or Thak the first time?

5. What does Corbett watch the Pipal Pani do over the winter?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Corbett's main intention at the locale of the story The Fish of My Dreams? Why is he having difficulty and when does he decide to go fishing?

2. What were Corbett's initial plans for the sleeping arrangement in Mohan? How and why were they changed?

3. What happens between the time that Corbett throws his line in the water and when he tosses the flopping fish onto the shore?

4. What run-in does the labor camp have with the man-eater of Thak? What happens?

5. Describe the encounter Corbett has on the trail with the woman filling a water jug. What is he happy he has accomplished?

6. Describe how the Pipal Pani tiger gets shot for a second time, and how the men who go in search of him unknowingly put their lives in great danger, and what may have saved them.

7. How does the Pipal Pani tiger get injured in the head? What does Corbett see that he is able to know this?

8. What bothers Corbett about the way he kills the man-eater of Mohan? Why? What reasons does he give to justify his actions?

9. Why do many men come to the area of the Thak man-eater? What are they doing there and how do they feel about the tiger? How do they show it?

10. Describe how Corbett finally encounters the Thak man-eater?

(see the answer keys)

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