Man-eaters of Kumaon Test | Final Test - Easy

Jim Corbett (hunter)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Man-eaters of Kumaon Test | Final Test - Easy

Jim Corbett (hunter)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Corbett hears what he believes are stones falling at night and investigates, what does he find?
(a) None of the above.
(b) Frogs making the sound.
(c) Fresh pugmarks climbing a rocky bank.
(d) The villagers throwing rocks to scare the tiger.

2. What causes the tiger to flee from the kill area in the morning after Corbett's night tree vigil?
(a) None of the above.
(b) A wild shot Corbett made.
(c) The call of Corbett's men on the ridge.
(d) Another tiger arriving.

3. What animal does Corbett see and wish he could photograph in the story about the fish of his dreams?
(a) A langur.
(b) A water fowl.
(c) A python.
(d) A ghooral.

4. What letter is included in the chapter about the Kanda man-eater?
(a) An admittance letter for the young man.
(b) A letter from the people asking Corbett for his help.
(c) A letter of defeat from a hunter after the tiger.
(d) The resignation of the game warden.

5. What happens when the fish Corbett first catches reaches the end of the fishing line?
(a) The fish leaps out of the water.
(b) The rod jams and won't reel in the line.
(c) Corbett starts reeling the fish in.
(d) The line goes dead.

6. What reason did Corbett find for the tiger in Mohan to have become a man-eater?
(a) An old hip fracture.
(b) Porcupine quills in his foreleg.
(c) A bullet in his shoulder.
(d) Broken teeth.

7. Where does Corbett leave the fish after he catches it?
(a) Hanging out of otter's reach from a tree branch.
(b) In water tied to a tree.
(c) Back into the still pool.
(d) Buried unter some medium sized rocks on the bottom of the river.

8. What does Corbett thinks killed the buffalo that died but was not killed by the tiger?
(a) A leopard.
(b) A snake.
(c) Fear.
(d) A villager hoping to lure the tiger with blood.

9. What does Corbett say has altered as much as ladies fashion over the years?
(a) The kinds of fish in the river.
(b) His excuses to stay out late.
(c) His reasons for loving nature.
(d) Fishing rods and tackle.

10. Which of the following best describes Ibbotson?
(a) Brave to the point of foolheartedness.
(b) Bitter and sulky.
(c) Competent and quiet.
(d) Thoughtful, competent, and brave.

11. How does Corbett get a hold of the fish?
(a) He slowly battles the fish into shallow water then tosses it onto land.
(b) He scoops the fish up in a net from a still pool.
(c) The fish leaps out of the water while trying to escape him.
(d) He grabs it while it is wedged between two rocks.

12. What does a friend bring to Corbett from the scene where the tiger was shot at night?
(a) Some hairs.
(b) A bone shard.
(c) A claw.
(d) A tooth.

13. What indication does Corbett find that the latest victim of the tiger was not looked for after being taken?
(a) Body parts.
(b) A sickle and three lengths of rope on the ground.
(c) No footprints.
(d) A beaded necklace on the ground.

14. How effective is sitting out over kills for Corbett when hunting the Thak man-eater?
(a) He sees the tiger regularly but never gets a shot.
(b) He had a perfect opportunity which he missed.
(c) Not at all.
(d) The tiger circled each time but sensed his presence.

15. What is the last technique that Corbett uses to hunt the Thak man-eater?
(a) Sitting over a group of women working in the fields.
(b) Stalk her on a moonlit night.
(c) Calling her in.
(d) Poisoning her previous kill.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is a theory that Corbett develops about why the Thak tigress had become a man-eater?

2. Which of the following best characterizes how Corbett feels after shooting the Pipal Pani tiger?

3. Why did the young man and a group of men venture far from the village?

4. Why does Corbett chose to travel alone on the roads in the area of a man-eater?

5. What does Corbett say plays an important role in our enjoyment of outdoor sports?

(see the answer keys)

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