The Maltese Falcon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Maltese Falcon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the Ambassador Hotel?
(a) Los Angeles
(b) San Francisco
(c) Chicago
(d) New York

2. Whose apartment does Spade go to in this chapter?
(a) Cairo's apartment
(b) Iva's apartment
(c) Effie's apartment
(d) Brigid's apartment

3. How much extra money does miss Wonderly give the detectives?
(a) $200
(b) $1,000
(c) $250
(d) $290

4. Who does Miss Wonderly say Spade should ask for?
(a) Miss LeBlanc
(b) Miss Fantastique
(c) Miss Lucky
(d) Miss Locket

5. What does Brigid confirm about Cairo?
(a) That he is a homosexual
(b) That he is a fraudster
(c) That he is a Levantine
(d) That he cannot shoot

6. Who does Cairo point his gun at?
(a) Polhaus
(b) Dundy
(c) Spade
(d) Brigid

7. Who is going to follow Floyd?
(a) Iva Archer
(b) Sam Spade
(c) Effie perine
(d) Miles Archer

8. How does Spade act to Brigid's story?
(a) He kisses her
(b) He laughs
(c) He shoots her
(d) He slaps her

9. Why does Cairo ask Spade to stand?
(a) To correct his posture
(b) To relieve him of his weapons
(c) To get him away from his desk
(d) To admire his figure

10. What is the name of the man Miss Wonderly sister left New York with?
(a) Floyd Thursby
(b) Guttman
(c) Sam Spade
(d) Jack Wonderly

11. Who has called Spade at his office?
(a) Floyd Thursby
(b) Miss Wonderly
(c) Effie
(d) Iva Archer

12. Who tells Spade what happened to Archer?
(a) Effie Perine
(b) Tom Polhaus
(c) Iva Archer
(d) Floyd Thursby

13. Who announces the arrival of Miss Wonderly?
(a) Miles Archer
(b) Iva Archer
(c) Sam Spade
(d) Effie Perine

14. Where does Spade go to with Brigid's keys?
(a) Her apartment
(b) Her hotel
(c) Her key
(d) Her bank vault

15. What is Miss Wonderly's real surname?
(a) O'Shaughnessy
(b) O'Connor
(c) Dodo
(d) LeBlanc

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Spade visit after searching Brigid's apartment?

2. What is Brigid's excuse for not telling Spade about the Falcon?

3. Where did Brigid meet Thursby?

4. What is the name of the Russian?

5. What does Spade tell the police about his relationship with Iva?

(see the answer keys)

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