Malgudi Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Malgudi Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What goals does the talkative man have for himself and his music?
(a) To get his vision back.
(b) Just to play at the village temple.
(c) To become rich and famous.
(d) To play with Yo Yo Ma one day.

2. What causes the family that Velan works for to rent out their house?
(a) There is a mean family feud.
(b) A tornado comes through the city.
(c) The master of the house dies.
(d) The people need the tax break.

3. What kind of house does Kannan live in?
(a) A small hut.
(b) A regular house -- not too big, not too small.
(c) A mansion.
(d) No house at all: he is homeless.

4. How does Dr. Raman know Gopal?
(a) He is his father.
(b) They are childhood friends.
(c) He is a famous movie star.
(d) He doesn't know Gopal.

5. What reason does Swami give his dad for not wanting to go to school?
(a) He fears the bus driver.
(b) He is afraid of the punishment for being late.
(c) He hasn't done his homework.
(d) He might get attacked by tigers on the way.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Shanta learning at school?

2. How long has Govind Singh worked as a security guard?

3. What does Shanta plan to wear to the movies?

4. From whom does the dog initially defend the blind man?

5. Where does Kannan want to gamble?

Short Essay Questions

1. What eventually happens to the statue of Frederick Lawley?

2. How does Sambu's mother react to seeing her husband reading a newspaper in the movie?

3. What does Rama Rao plan to do with the money he gets from selling his home?

4. How does the astrologer know so much about Guru Nayak when he comes to have his horoscope read?

5. What vision does Ramu's mother have of him after they fight?

6. What happens with Rama Rao's suicide attempt?

7. Why does Iyer lose his confidence while standing up to the newcomer on the train?

8. What motivates the blind man's fellow merchants to cut the leash that the blind man uses to keep the dog with him at all times?

9. How does the talkative man know how to fend the man-eating tiger off?

10. How does the reader know how much time passes during "The Axe"?

(see the answer keys)

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