Malgudi Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Malgudi Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first job Velan gets after leaving his hometown?
(a) Gardener.
(b) Servant.
(c) Lawyer.
(d) Doctor.

2. Who is Atilla named after?
(a) Atilla the Hun.
(b) Atilla the doctor.
(c) The family's grandmother.
(d) The town's mayor.

3. What musical instrument did the talkative man play in his youth?
(a) The guitar.
(b) The lyre.
(c) The piano.
(d) The flute.

4. How does the talkative man first try to take down the statue of Frederick Lawley?
(a) By rope.
(b) By hacksaw.
(c) By sheer muscle.
(d) By chainsaw.

5. What animal enters the room while the talkative man is playing music (after he has banned the sadhu from entering)?
(a) A beautiful bird.
(b) A lion.
(c) A cobra.
(d) A man-eating tiger.

6. What kind of clothing does the astrologer wear when he is first introduced in the novel?
(a) Bright colors.
(b) Rags.
(c) Just a towel, since he just got out of the shower.
(d) A dress.

7. What kinds of comments does the newcomer on the train have for his fellow passengers?
(a) Confusing and weird.
(b) Wise and insightful.
(c) Friendly and helpful.
(d) Rude and nasty.

8. What does Soma offer to do to placate the god in lieu of damaging his beloved statue?
(a) Sacrifice his first-born son.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Drown himself in a nearby river.
(d) Cut off his hands.

9. Where is Rajam Iyer's train headed?
(a) Paris.
(b) Thailand.
(c) Bangalore.
(d) New York.

10. What does the old man end up using to leash the dog by the end of the story?
(a) A leather leash.
(b) He never gets to leash the dog again because it runs away.
(c) A leash made of horse hair.
(d) A metal chain.

11. Why does Kannan decide he can gamble?
(a) Because he can just feel that he is lucky that day.
(b) Because he's the man of the house and he can do whatever he wants.
(c) Because his wife and son are out of town.
(d) Because the family has a surplus of money.

12. What does the new owner of the property plan to do with it?
(a) Demolish it.
(b) Use it for a dental office.
(c) Turn it into city hall.
(d) Use it as a hospital.

13. Who helps Dr. Raman perform an operation on Gopal?
(a) His assistants.
(b) No one; he must do the procedure alone.
(c) Gopal's wife.
(d) Two people who offer to help from the street.

14. Where does the talkative man acquire his engine?
(a) At the local store.
(b) At the town fair.
(c) In a nearby town.
(d) On the internet.

15. How does the talkative man first try to move the engine?
(a) With keys, even though they are the wrong ones.
(b) With magic.
(c) With music.
(d) With elephants and muscle power.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Shanta plan to wear to the movies?

2. How does the talkative man acquire his engine?

3. What is Dr. Raman known for?

4. What happens to Soma's house after he shows people the statue?

5. How much money does Rama Rao win from the contest each week?

(see the answer keys)

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