The Autobiography of Malcolm X Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Malcolm borrow money from to go on his pilgrimage?
(a) Betty
(b) Reginald
(c) Sammy
(d) Ella

2. With which old friend does Malcolm reunite in Boston?
(a) Shorty
(b) Sammy
(c) Sophia
(d) Ralph

3. What word does Malcolm use for the first time at a press conference?
(a) White devils
(b) Afro Americans
(c) Black Americans
(d) American brothers

4. What is Malcolm's argument against the Civil Rights movement
(a) They have to knock things down. not tap on them
(b) Racism is a human issue, not a civil rights issue.
(c) They need to strive for their own identity
(d) Islam is the black religion

5. From where does Malcolm want his organization to enlist support?
(a) The American government
(b) Saudi Arabia
(c) Pakistan
(d) African countries

6. What kind of personality does Haley state that Malcolm has?
(a) An electric personality
(b) A noble personality
(c) A stubborn personality
(d) An angry personality

7. To what does Malcolm dedicate each day?
(a) His friends
(b) His family
(c) His work
(d) His autobiography

8. Who does Malcolm say are his biggest opponents?
(a) Black liberals
(b) Whites
(c) The American government
(d) Muslim leaders

9. What does Malcolm say God removed from the white Muslims?
(a) Their whiteness
(b) Their humor
(c) The devil
(d) Their ego

10. With what does Malcolm replace his surname?
(a) Big
(b) X
(c) Y
(d) Little

11. To shich country's racism does Malcolm compare America?
(a) Saudi Arabia
(b) Germany
(c) India
(d) Israel

12. Where does Muhammad send Malcolm to build a temple?
(a) Seattle
(b) Philadephia
(c) Denver
(d) Boston

13. What does Malcolm tell Muhammad he is discontented with about the Nation of Islam?
(a) Their treatment of whites
(b) Their treatment of women
(c) Their hypocrisy
(d) The recruiting process

14. Which city did Malcolm move to after his release from prison?
(a) Seattle
(b) New York
(c) Chicago
(d) Detroit

15. Who writes the final chapter?
(a) Richard Wright
(b) Martin Luther King
(c) Jesse Jackson
(d) Alex Haley

Short Answer Questions

1. To what woman does Malcolm propose?

2. What does Malcolm leave to Archie?

3. What happens to Reginald after he is rejected from the Nation?

4. According to Malcolm, what have blacks been brainwashed to worship?

5. Who does Malcolm live with in Detroit?

(see the answer keys)

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