The Autobiography of Malcolm X Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Malcolm say God removed from the white Muslims?
(a) Their whiteness
(b) Their humor
(c) Their ego
(d) The devil

2. What is the name of the Saudi ambassador?
(a) Jedda
(b) Abdul Kayum
(c) Mr. Shawarbi
(d) Adbar Rhman

3. What does Malcolm feel iss the solution to Afro American problems?
(a) Going back to Africa
(b) Education
(c) Civil war
(d) Unity

4. What is Malcolm surprised about when he visits Cairo?
(a) It is full of whites
(b) There are Christians
(c) It is poor
(d) It is modern

5. From where does Malcolm want his organization to enlist support?
(a) African countries
(b) Pakistan
(c) The American government
(d) Saudi Arabia

6. To what woman does Malcolm propose?
(a) Lottie
(b) Betty
(c) Janice
(d) Franny

7. With what other Afro-American organization does Malcolm claim to have differences?
(a) The Civil Rights movement
(b) The Free Sudan Organization
(c) The Black Panthers
(d) Afro American feminist movement

8. Who does Malcolm say are his biggest opponents?
(a) Muslim leaders
(b) Whites
(c) The American government
(d) Black liberals

9. What does Malcolm claim are the positive aspects of the Nation of Islam?
(a) Opening communications between blacks and whites
(b) Reforming criminals and drug users
(c) Making the white people look at themselves
(d) Getting attention for the poor black community

10. Who writes the final chapter?
(a) Richard Wright
(b) Jesse Jackson
(c) Martin Luther King
(d) Alex Haley

11. What is the name of the newspaper Malcolm starts?
(a) Muhammad Speaks
(b) Verbal Anger
(c) United Black Nations
(d) The Islam Times

12. What doe Malcolm see outside the Harvard University window?
(a) An apartment he robbed
(b) The hospital his mother into which his mother was admitted.
(c) A pile of used syringes
(d) His old car

13. Who does Malcolm think that the Asian man is in his dream?
(a) Mohammed
(b) His father
(c) His future son
(d) The true leader of the black people

14. What country does Malcolm's plane make a stop in on its way to Saudi Arabia?
(a) Britain
(b) Germany
(c) Iceland
(d) Russia

15. What do the whites call Malcolm?
(a) Satan
(b) The angry black man
(c) A communist
(d) The Messiah

Short Answer Questions

1. What word does Malcolm use for the first time at a press conference?

2. Why is Malcolm so upset that Muhammad has been engaging in immoral activities?

3. With which old friend does Malcolm reunite in Boston?

4. What does this final chapter outline?

5. With how many secretaries does Malcolm find that Muhammad has been sexually involved?

(see the answer keys)

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