Makes Me Wanna Holler: A Young Black Man in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Makes Me Wanna Holler: A Young Black Man in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does McCall reveal to enjoy about school besides the reason he gives his friends for staying in school?
(a) P.E.
(b) Music.
(c) Literature.
(d) Math.

2. At St. Brides, McCall is near his home and can have more what?
(a) Friends.
(b) Visits.
(c) Leaves.
(d) Freedom.

3. In Chapter 23, the college responds to McCall, telling him to do what?
(a) Send his transcripts.
(b) Try again next semester.
(c) Seek help elsewhere.
(d) Enter a contest.

4. In Part I of the book, McCall reveals that the reason he starts to steal is not for anything he needs but rather for what?
(a) Because his friends did it.
(b) Because his friends wanted him to do it.
(c) To fit in.
(d) A rite of passage.

5. McCall's stepfather takes in a child from his previous marriage who is older than McCall; what is this child's name?
(a) Junnie.
(b) Bryan Keith.
(c) Dwight.
(d) Billy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is assaulted by several guys before she and McCall consummate the act?

2. In Chapter 22, McCall comes to realize that many blacks feel education has nothing to do with them so they do what?

3. In 1964, McCall and his family move into a new housing development called what?

4. The young boy attacked in Chapter 1 is riding what when he is attacked?

5. In Part I of the book, what is the name of the girl who teaches McCall that dancing can be fun?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does McCall and Elisabeth's scam affect them and the neighborhood?

2. In Chapter 5, how is McCall affected after being caught shoplifting?

3. In Chapter ,4 McCall is now in a black junior high school, but he is still the new kid; what are some things he does to help him fit in?

4. Why does McCall dislike his stepfather's behavior with white people?

5. In Chapter 19, how and why do McCall's inmates decorate their cells?

6. Why is McCall relieved when he is realizes he will have to serve at least 18 months in jail of his sentence of several years for robbing McDonald's?

7. What does the Cadillac symbolize for McCall's stepfather in Chapter 10 and how does it affect McCall?

8. How does McCall relate what happens with the manual prison labor in Chapter 19 with his stepfather's teachings?

9. From Chapter 23, how does McCall's behavior indicate his new found realization that he needs to take actions for the long term?

10. What happens with Plaz and how is McCall's stepfather involved?

(see the answer keys)

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