The Magus Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Magus Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nicholas hope to find at Bourani?
(a) Peace.
(b) Revenge.
(c) The truth.
(d) Secrets he can uncover.

2. What confession does Julie make to Nicholas about when she was younger?
(a) She was married.
(b) She was seriously injured.
(c) She had syphilis.
(d) She was raped.

3. Which of the following characters does Nicholas have a public outburst of anger at?
(a) Demetriades.
(b) Conchis.
(c) Julie.
(d) Joe.

4. What is the empty litter described as being symbolic of?
(a) The outcome of Nicholas's life.
(b) Alison's life.
(c) Eternal mother goddess.
(d) The love between a man and a woman.

5. What truth does Nicholas believe the experience was meant to teach him about how to live?
(a) He must move out of the country.
(b) He must live without sex.
(c) He must change his think about women.
(d) He must live with compassion.

6. What does Nicholas noticed have disappeared?
(a) Maria's clothes.
(b) Several pieces of art.
(c) His bedroom furniture.
(d) Julie, June and Joe.

7. What profession is Leverrier?
(a) Teacher.
(b) Monk.
(c) Magician.
(d) Priest.

8. What is Conchis holding when he appears near the Poseidon statue?
(a) An axe.
(b) A knife.
(c) A shovel.
(d) A gun.

9. What does Nicholas tell Alison he is now prepared to admit?
(a) He can live compassionately.
(b) He is sorry.
(c) He needs to change.
(d) He loves her.

10. Why does Julie run off away from Nicholas?
(a) She needs to get the next page of her script.
(b) She has heard Conchis return.
(c) She needs to go get Joe.
(d) She needs to go find her sister.

11. Who does Nicholas meet for lunch?
(a) Mitford.
(b) Lily.
(c) Leverrier.
(d) Alison.

12. Why does Julie run away from Nicholas?
(a) It is in the script.
(b) She has nervous fear.
(c) Conchis has ordered it.
(d) She doesn't want anyone to overhear.

13. What does Nicholas find waiting for him when he gets back to school?
(a) A pink slip.
(b) A letter from Lily.
(c) A letter from Alison.
(d) An invitation from Conchis.

14. What gift does Mrs. de Seitas give to Nicholas?
(a) A picture of Lily.
(b) A letter of recommendation.
(c) A piece of pottery.
(d) The keys to the villa.

15. Where does Kemp take Nicholas?
(a) To the villa.
(b) To start a new life.
(c) To meet Alison.
(d) To contemplate his life.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nicholas discover the next morning?

2. What does Nicholas become depressed and obsessive about?

3. What does Nicholas plan after he returns to school?

4. What does Mrs. de Seitas say of Alison?

5. What does Conchis tell Nicholas will happen after the summer?

(see the answer keys)

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