The Magus Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Magus Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following terms describes how Conchis saved his own life and got out of France?
(a) Honorably discharged.
(b) Wounded in action.
(c) Leaving the war without permission.
(d) Duplicitous means.

2. What does Conchis invite Nicholas to do?
(a) Paint.
(b) Fish.
(c) Garden.
(d) Read.

3. Why did Conchis join the British army?
(a) To exorcise his sexual nature.
(b) Because the woman he loved had also joined.
(c) To overcome his addictions.
(d) To get over the loss of Lily.

4. What would happen if Nicholas lost the game of chance Conchis proposed?
(a) He would be expelled from the island.
(b) He would die.
(c) He would have to leave the villa.
(d) He would have to tell Conchis his secrets.

5. What does Nicholas think Conchis' events the following evening will have to do with?
(a) Musical appreciation.
(b) Story-telling.
(c) Psychic communication.
(d) Sexual education.

6. With whom does Conchis take refuge after he leaves England?
(a) Mother.
(b) Greek uncle.
(c) Army buddy.
(d) Lily.

7. What did Conchis study when he was in Argentina?
(a) War.
(b) Writing.
(c) Medicine.
(d) Music.

8. What conclusion does Nicholas come to about Conchis in this section of the novel?
(a) That he cannot be trusted.
(b) That he is hiding the truth from Nicholas.
(c) That he has special gifts and skills.
(d) That he must be mad.

9. Where do Nicholas and Alison meet?
(a) Coffee shop.
(b) Hotel.
(c) Restaurant.
(d) Airport.

10. What is Conchis' answer to Nicholas when he questions him?
(a) He can leave if he wants.
(b) He must not ask questions.
(c) He must trust Conchis and himself.
(d) He must believe.

11. Where does Conchis take Nicholas on a tour?
(a) Town.
(b) Garden.
(c) Reef.
(d) Villa.

12. What does Nicholas say began after he returned to his life at school?
(a) Spiritual visits.
(b) Mysteries.
(c) Physical deterioration.
(d) Illness.

13. What does the woman who Nicholas believes to be Lily do when he approaches?
(a) Talks to him.
(b) Reaches out to him.
(c) Withdraws.
(d) Waits.

14. What does Nicholas realize he wants in regard to Alison?
(a) To keep their relationship going.
(b) To marry her.
(c) To win her back.
(d) To hurt her.

15. How does Nicholas describe the idea of being in Greece?
(a) The only option for a future he had open to him.
(b) Something he needed to be talked into.
(c) Taking an almost obsessive hold over him.
(d) His life's greatest desire.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Alison and Nicholas go after they leave the airport?

2. What job is Alison training for?

3. What does Nicholas do when he returns to his room instead of preparing to sleep?

4. What does Nicholas tell the gatekeeper when he returns his gun?

5. Which of the following terms best describes how the bedroom Nicholas is using is furnished?

(see the answer keys)

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