Madame Curie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Madame Curie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What news does Maire receive about her father?
(a) That he is very ill.
(b) That he has money for her.
(c) That he is leaving Poland.
(d) That he has died.

2. What does Pierre discover about radiation?
(a) It can be manufactored without radium.
(b) It destroys diseased cells.
(c) It is making him sick.
(d) It is difficult to identify.

3. What does the committee started by Mrs. Meloney present to Marie?
(a) A new laboratory.
(b) An article about her life.
(c) A trip to America.
(d) A gram of radium.

4. What are the "little Curies"?
(a) Equipped X-ray cars.
(b) Mobile labs that mine radium.
(c) X-ray machines delivered to new hospitals.
(d) Cars that haul the wounded.

5. As Marie aged into her fifties, how does Marie seem to change?
(a) She becomes more animated.
(b) She sufferes from serous health problems.
(c) She withdraws more.
(d) She becomes more serene.

6. Why do Marie and Pierre believe winning the prize has made them miserable?
(a) They get no peace.
(b) They are no longer famous.
(c) They have to leave their homes.
(d) They have to move on to a new research topic.

7. What political situation does Marie take an interest in?
(a) WWI.
(b) Revolution in Russia.
(c) WWII.
(d) Poland Revolution.

8. What does Marie do in her advancing age that is similar to when she was a young child again?
(a) Works in her laboratory.
(b) Plays with toys.
(c) Counts in Polish.
(d) Reads.

9. What was Marie the first person and only person to do?
(a) To win scientific prizes as a Polish citizen.
(b) To survive radiation poisoning.
(c) To expose her children to radioactivity.
(d) Win the Nobel Prize twice.

10. What happened to Bronya's son?
(a) He has graduated from university.
(b) He has moved back to Poland.
(c) He died of tubercular meningitis.
(d) He was hung by the Russians.

11. What is Marie's primary reason for the decision she makes in regard as to whether to go or stay?
(a) Her patriotism.
(b) Her dead husband.
(c) Her children.
(d) Her new lab.

12. What does the Royal Society of London present to the Curies?
(a) Nobel Prize.
(b) Research grant.
(c) Davy Medal.
(d) Position at the university.

13. What tic does Marie develop?
(a) She rubs her burned fingers together.
(b) She picks the skin away from her hands.
(c) She constantly coughs.
(d) She jerks her head from side to side.

14. How does Marie rest after she spends her day working at the laboratory?
(a) Corresponding with her colleagues.
(b) Cooking.
(c) Reading.
(d) Playing with her granddaughter.

15. What is one of Eve's earliest memories of her mother?
(a) Sleeping on her lab table.
(b) Collapsing in a faint.
(c) Crying about her deceased father.
(d) Working in the lab.

Short Answer Questions

1. What paid position does Marie obtain at the end of the year?

2. What does the celebrity status ruin for Marie causing her to become depressed?

3. Where does Marie turn to find some emotional strength and support?

4. What is it that Marie loves to do best?

5. What does Marie collaborate with Andre Debierne on?

(see the answer keys)

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