Madame Curie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Madame Curie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Mademoiselle Mayer catch Manya and her friend doing that caused a great conflict between the two of them?
(a) Making fun of Mademoiselle Mayer behind her back.
(b) Speaking in Polish instead of Russian.
(c) Dancing with joy at the assassination of the Tsar.
(d) Studying subjects that were prohibited to girls.

2. How are Marie and Pierre similar?
(a) Both are married to their work.
(b) Both like to be near their family.
(c) Both have sisters.
(d) Both are from Poland.

3. How do the children earn their living as they finish school?
(a) Cleaning houses.
(b) Tutoring.
(c) Taking on boarders.
(d) Being a servant.

4. Why did the Sklodovskas switch to education?
(a) Because it is the safest profession.
(b) Because they believe in education.
(c) Because estates have grown poorer.
(d) Because that is what their familes have done for years.

5. How do Marie and Pierre travel on their honeymoon?
(a) Bicycles.
(b) Train.
(c) Wagon.
(d) Horseback.

6. Which of the following isn't one of the words Manya picks up on from overheard conversations?
(a) Revolt.
(b) Tsar.
(c) Deportation.
(d) Police.

7. What happens during Marie and Pierre's second year of marriage?
(a) She gets pregnant.
(b) Marie graduates from school.
(c) Pierre dies.
(d) He loses his job.

8. Who does Manya begin teaching?
(a) All of the children in her neighborhood.
(b) Young polish children.
(c) Those who wish to learn chemistry.
(d) Poor working women.

9. Where do the Sklodovskass now live?
(a) A tranquil courtyard.
(b) A homeless shelter.
(c) A small house on campus.
(d) A train station.

10. What does Marie decide to pursue her doctorate in?
(a) Anatomy.
(b) Biological science.
(c) Medicine.
(d) Physical science.

11. How does Marie look back on these years with her exhaustion and chronic worry about money?
(a) The most surprising years of her life.
(b) The worst years of her life.
(c) The most difficult years of her life.
(d) The most perfect years of her life.

12. How many elements do Marie and Pierre come to realize radioactivity is concentrated in besides those already identified?
(a) 1.
(b) 3.
(c) 0.
(d) 2.

13. What do Manya and Kazia do when they pass the monument in Saxony Square?
(a) Salute it.
(b) Kick it.
(c) Spit on it.
(d) Throw stones at it.

14. What does Manya find the discussion at her employers' home to be filled with?
(a) Social change.
(b) Intellectual pursuits.
(c) Russian loyalty.
(d) Gossip.

15. What is piezoelectric quartz?
(a) A device used for clarifying the value of quartz crystals.
(b) A device used to define the measurements of crystals.
(c) A device used for measuring small amounts of electricity.
(d) A device to turn rocks into quartz.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the visit from the inspector make Manya more aware of?

2. Which of the following is the best definition for the term kuligs?

3. Who agrees to move in with Marie and Pierre to help them with the new child?

4. What caused Pierre's career to suffer?

5. What does Marie call the second of the new elements she and Pierre discovered?

(see the answer keys)

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