Mad Love Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mad Love Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In his descriptions of Lamba, where did Breton write of "a tiny, unforgettable fern climbing the inside wall of an ancient well, the deepest, most somber, and most extensive of all those that I have ever leaned over"?
(a) Israel.
(b) France.
(c) Egypt.
(d) Japan.

2. Whose grief at the premature death of his wife, Nusch, in 1946 inspired the work "Le temps déborde" in 1947?
(a) Antonin Artaud's.
(b) Sam Beckett's.
(c) Paul Eluard's.
(d) Andre Breton's.

3. What Austrian neurologist founded the psychoanalytic school of psychiatry?
(a) Friedrich Engels.
(b) Carl Jung.
(c) Sigmund Freud.
(d) Antonin Artaud.

4. What refers to a mythological monster, half-man and half-bull?
(a) Minotaur.
(b) Pegasus.
(c) Serotaur.
(d) Cyclops.

5. In Section 4, Breton cites one of his poems where the tower sways like what?
(a) A sunflower.
(b) A blade of grass.
(c) A tree.
(d) A bridge.

Short Answer Questions

1. Venus is associated with what Greek goddess?

2. Who was Jacqueline Lamba's second husband?

3. What nineteenth-century French poet's Les fleurs du mal was very influential on surrealism?

4. Who was a Trojan hero, the son of the prince Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite?

5. Breton regretted, in Section 4, that he no longer had the _____ of "Sunflower."

(see the answer key)

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