Lullaby Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lullaby Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the days of Ayah and Chato's journey smell like to Ayah?
(a) Tart.
(b) Dry.
(c) Sour.
(d) Sweet.

2. What color is the sandrock on the mesa?
(a) Blue.
(b) Tan.
(c) Red.
(d) White.

3. What does Chato bring home in big brown boxes?
(a) Food.
(b) Yarn.
(c) Wine.
(d) Wool.

4. Why does Ayah choose to stop walking at the end of the story?
(a) Chato asks her to stop.
(b) She is tired.
(c) Chato stumbles and falls.
(d) She is hungry.

5. What emotion does Ayah feel as she leaves the bar in Section 3?
(a) Sad.
(b) Happy.
(c) Satified.
(d) Worried.

6. Where does Chato herd his livestock?
(a) To the barn.
(b) Across the dry, sandy arroyo.
(c) Across the pavement to water.
(d) Across the dusty mesa.

7. What traditional thing does Ayah and Chato do every May?
(a) Plant the garden.
(b) Dance in ceremony.
(c) Travel to town.
(d) Visit Jimmie's grave.

8. What does Ayah think she does to make the men in the bar fear her?
(a) Being Navajo.
(b) Her face or the way she clenches her teeth.
(c) Being an old woman.
(d) Her attitude.

9. Why does Ayah feel that no one in the bar could hurt her?
(a) She is armed.
(b) She shows them no fear.
(c) She is sure of her identity.
(d) She is wrapped in Jimmie's blanket.

10. As they sit down behind the boulders, what does Ayah offer Chato?
(a) Half her blanket.
(b) Her forgiveness.
(c) Her shoes.
(d) A bit of something to eat.

11. Why doesn't Ayah's and Chato's garden produce food?
(a) They fail to water the garden.
(b) The summer heat kills it.
(c) The sheep at the plants.
(d) They don't take care of it.

12. According to Ayah, what tumbles the boulders down from the mesa?
(a) Earthmover.
(b) Rainstorms and earth tremors.
(c) Snowstorms.
(d) Lightning.

13. What do the days of Ayah and Chato's journey sound like to Ayah?
(a) Cheerful.
(b) Mournful.
(c) Silent.
(d) Like a lullaby.

14. Outside of the place where Ayah and Chato live, what is the condition of the land?
(a) Rich.
(b) Moist.
(c) Fertile.
(d) Dry and sandy.

15. How would Ayah feel if Chato used up the government money?
(a) Sad.
(b) Unhappy.
(c) Relieved.
(d) Restless.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Ayah go searching in the winter night?

2. What does Ayah think of when she wraps the blanket around Chato?

3. Where does Ayah believe is a place for Chato and herself to wait out the storm?

4. How does having livestock connect Ayah and Chato to the land?

5. What color are the clouds Ayah and Chato watch as they wait against the rocks?

(see the answer keys)

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