Lucifer's Hammer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lucifer's Hammer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Norm?
(a) He gets a shotgun blast in the chest.
(b) He slips into one of the cracks in the road and breaks his neck.
(c) Nothing.
(d) He has insulin shock.

2. Who tries to take Harry to town?
(a) Frank.
(b) Harvey.
(c) Jason.
(d) Cecelia.

3. What is the Mucho Nombre Ranch?
(a) A ranch owned by a drug lord.
(b) Not a ranch at all; just a tiny piece of property owned by an old hermit.
(c) A property shared by several families who could never agree on a single name.
(d) The place of many lies.

4. What engulfs the island where Willis and MacDonald are sitting?
(a) A large steam cloud.
(b) Nothing, just a few small tidal waves come partly inshore.
(c) A giant tidal wave.
(d) A huge lava flow.

5. Where is Harry when an earthquake hits?
(a) At Senator Jellison's ranch.
(b) Driving Jason to the airport.
(c) On his mail route.
(d) In bed asleep.

6. What does Jellison suggest forming?
(a) A council for making decisions.
(b) A new government with him as president.
(c) A vigilante group to keep order.
(d) A group to go out and help others.

7. How do Tim and Eileen obtain a car?
(a) From a car dealer who knows Tim.
(b) They steal one.
(c) They are unsuccessful in obtaining a car.
(d) Someone gives them one since they don't need it.

8. How do Tim and Eileen manage to get away from the city?
(a) By comandeering a helicopter.
(b) By hitching a ride with Eric.
(c) By pretending to be reporters.
(d) By hijacking a car from a teen.

9. What does Tim encounter on his way to the lab?
(a) A huge rock blocking the road.
(b) A group of riot-equipped cops.
(c) A group of men in white robes chained to streetlights and begging passersby to pray that the comet misses Earth.
(d) Several large craters.

10. What is one problem the nuclear plant is facing?
(a) Environmentalists are trying to keep the plant from opening.
(b) There has been a meltdown in the past.
(c) One cooling tower has a crack.
(d) A uranium-enriched rod has broken.

11. What does Marty want to do?
(a) Kill Tim and invite Eileen to stay.
(b) Make Tim and Eileen leave immediately.
(c) Invite Tim and Eileen to stay.
(d) Have Tim help them figure out if the comet has completely passed.

12. What project is Harvey beginning?
(a) A documentary of the homeless in San Francisco.
(b) A documentary of the comet.
(c) A documentary of the Hopi Indians.
(d) A documentary of the new rail system in L.A.

13. What are two things Alim and Harold plan to secure?
(a) A radio and lots of batteries.
(b) A car to get out of the city.
(c) A shelter at least sixty feet deep.
(d) Guns and food.

14. What does Jakov say about women?
(a) They are more rational then men.
(b) He does not like them.
(c) They become irrational every 28 days.
(d) They cannot be rational but a couple days out of each month.

15. What is Rick Delanty's claim to fame?
(a) He will be first black man in space.
(b) He discovers the shift in the comet's trajectory.
(c) He discovers a shift in the polar region that changes the earth's rotation.
(d) He figures out how to divert the comet.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Harvey find in the bedroom?

2. What does Mayor Seitz do?

3. Who arrives as Harvey is almost asleep?

4. What is no longer considered any good?

5. What do the astronauts think about the earth?

(see the answer keys)

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