Lucifer's Hammer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lucifer's Hammer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who says they will keep the children who are with Tim?
(a) Mary Sue.
(b) Les.
(c) Fitz.
(d) Marty.

2. Why does Fred Lauren murder Colleen?
(a) She is married to a man Fred hates.
(b) She has taunted him constantly.
(c) He thinks the world is about to end so he does not care if he is caught.
(d) Fred is paronoid and thinks she is wiretapping him.

3. Why is Rick Delanty delayed in doing his work?
(a) He didn't know what his job was.
(b) He was confused.
(c) He was trading jobs with someone else.
(d) He was sick.

4. What does Jellison suggest for survival?
(a) He is still forming a plan.
(b) Moving further inland.
(c) Pooling resources.
(d) Calling in the National Guard.

5. Who fires nuclear weapons upon the Soviets?
(a) China.
(b) Iran.
(c) The USA.
(d) India.

6. What do the friends do after laying the cycles down?
(a) They dance and sing songs to Gaia.
(b) They pray.
(c) They build a campfire.
(d) They get into their sleeping bags and wait.

7. What does Harry do when he cannot get past the cracks in the road?
(a) Calls the post office on his walkie-talkie.
(b) Hikes to Senator Jellison's ranch.
(c) Decides to camp on the side of the road until help comes.
(d) Helps the Millers with their harvesting.

8. How does Harry leave Carrie Roman's house?
(a) He is able to borrow her bike.
(b) He is able to borrow her motorcycle.
(c) He jumps in a ditch and swims away.
(d) He walks.

9. What does Senator Jellison hear while monitoring the astronauts' radio?
(a) That the President has been killed.
(b) That the comet has slowed down.
(c) That the comet is going to hit the Earth.
(d) That the comet is going to barely nick Earth.

10. Who is at the party with Senator Jellison?
(a) His brother.
(b) No one.
(c) His daughter, Maureen.
(d) His mistress.

11. As Harvey makes his way inside, for what is he prepared?
(a) He is not sure.
(b) Everything ready for them to run.
(c) A threat.
(d) Nothing.

12. Why does Eric kill Fred?
(a) Fred is hurt too badly to survive.
(b) Because Eric believes no one deserves to die locked in a cell.
(c) Fred asks Eric to do so.
(d) Eric hates the man.

13. About what does Leonilla complain?
(a) The bad food on the space station.
(b) The fact that they are missing seeing the comet come to earth.
(c) That the comet is behind the moon.
(d) About some policies of Russia's space program.

14. What are Chet and Mabel Hawker and their friends, the Andersons, doing when they see a flash of light?
(a) Trying to reach the mountains near Los Angeles.
(b) Playing cards on a plane.
(c) In a outdoor church service praying.
(d) Running for their storm shelter.

15. Who wants to meet the Romans?
(a) Norm Lilly.
(b) Senator Jellison.
(c) Harry.
(d) No one since they are unfriendly.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Barry Price do?

2. What does Leonilla say must happen?

3. What does Barry ask Delores?

4. What is the Mucho Nombre Ranch?

5. What do the astronauts think about the earth?

(see the answer keys)

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