Loser Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Loser Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do Zinkoff and Andrew stop being friends?
(a) Zinkoff gets sick.
(b) Andrew moves away.
(c) Mr. Orwell won't let Andrew play with Zinkoff.
(d) Zinkoff's parents won't let Andrew play.

2. In what grade are Zinkoff's differences discovered?
(a) 3rd.
(b) 5th.
(c) 4th.
(d) 6th.

3. Who yells at Mrs. Biswell for being unkind to Zinkoff?
(a) Mr. Zinkoff.
(b) The Principal.
(c) Andrew.
(d) Mrs. Zinkoff.

4. What does Zinkoff create while he is home from school?
(a) A puppet.
(b) A test.
(c) A cast.
(d) A play.

5. What is Zinkoff's first name?
(a) Donald.
(b) David.
(c) Don.
(d) Dustan.

6. What is Zinkoff's first question to Mrs. Biswell?
(a) What is your real name?
(b) Are you married?
(c) Are we still citizens?
(d) How many days are left in school?

7. What does Mrs. Zinkoff take to her new neighbors?
(a) A cake.
(b) Some cookies.
(c) A platter of cheese.
(d) Some bread.

8. What does Andrew call Zinkoff's neighborhood?
(a) The ghetto.
(b) The subrubs.
(c) A dump.
(d) A pit stop.

9. Who does Zinkoff feel like when he is at home from school?
(a) An evil scientist.
(b) The Waiting Man.
(c) A prisoner.
(d) The Sick Woman.

10. Where does Mr. Yalowitz seat Zinkoff?
(a) The back row.
(b) The aisle row.
(c) Next to his own desk.
(d) The front row.

11. What does Mrs. Zinkoff do to make money?
(a) Makes telemarketing calls.
(b) Sews dresses.
(c) Mails invoices.
(d) Irons laundry.

12. How does Zinkoff feel about the button given to him by Miss Meeks?
(a) It is pretty.
(b) It is a badge of honor.
(c) It was mean.
(d) It is a disgrace.

13. What about Zinkoff does Mrs. Biswell say is atrocious?
(a) His appearance.
(b) His handwriting.
(c) His laughter.
(d) His language.

14. How does Zinkoff discover he can run forever?
(a) If he brings his mother.
(b) If he keeps turning right.
(c) If he goes fast enough.
(d) If he believes in himself.

15. What does Mr. Yalowitz see in Zinkoff?
(a) His love.
(b) His disadvantages.
(c) His needs.
(d) His potential.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Zinkoff go to school on a weekend?

2. What is Mr. Zinkoff's occupation?

3. How long has Zinkoff's first teacher been teaching?

4. What does the narrator say boys will always do, when together?

5. What does Zinkoff get from his mother after his first day at school?

(see the answer keys)

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