Lord Jim Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lord Jim Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Jim, Tamb' Itam, and Jim's men station themselves as they wait for Brown to pass by as Brown leaves Patusan for good?
(a) In the tall river grasses.
(b) In the Rajah's stockade.
(c) In the Bugis camp.
(d) In the fishing huts.

2. At the time in which Jim relates the story of the attempted assassination, what does Jim confess to Marlow?
(a) That he loves Cornelius' stepdaughter.
(b) That he wants to go home.
(c) That he hates living in Patusan.
(d) That he respects Cornelius' business sense.

3. At the time the natives attack the invaders that are attempting to land at Batu Kring, how long has Jim been away?
(a) More than one year.
(b) More than one day.
(c) More than one week.
(d) More than one month.

4. According to Marlow, when does Jim receive the old, yellow letter?
(a) A few days before the Patna voyage.
(b) A few days before the assassination attempt.
(c) A few days before meeting De Jongh.
(d) A few days before the inquiry.

5. Through the conversation, questions, and pleas that Brown throws at Jim, what emotion is Brown hoping to evoke from Jim?
(a) Pity.
(b) Acceptance.
(c) Anger.
(d) Understanding.

6. When the girl asserts that Jim is false while she is visiting Stein's home with Tamb' Itam, who rallies to Jim's defense?
(a) Stein.
(b) Marlow.
(c) Kassim.
(d) Tamb' Itam.

7. Jim and Jewel greet each other the same way each time they see each other. What does Jewel say to Jim?
(a) Hello my love!
(b) Hallo boy!
(c) Atta boy!
(d) Hey you!

8. Who gives the signal for the attackers to begin their assassination attempt on Jim?
(a) Sherif Ali.
(b) Cornelius.
(c) Cornelius' stepdaughter.
(d) Kassim.

9. When Brown and his crew reach Patusan, where does the ship drop anchor?
(a) Off Zamboanga.
(b) Off Patusan's north shore.
(c) Off Batu Kring.
(d) Off Madrid.

10. Where is Brown's man shot while attempting to sneak onto the boat to retrieve some tobacco?
(a) In the back.
(b) In the leg.
(c) In the stomach.
(d) In the head.

11. According to the chief men's plan, who will be in charge of establishing the blockade ten miles down river of Patusan?
(a) Doramin.
(b) Tamb' Itam.
(c) Dain Waris.
(d) Kassim.

12. When Marlow will not reveal Jim's secrets to Jewel, what does Jewel do?
(a) Throws a glass at Marlow.
(b) Curses Marlow.
(c) Bursts into tears.
(d) Runs to Cornelius.

13. At the time in which Jim relates the story of the attempted assassination to Marlow, how long has Jim been in Patusan?
(a) Two years.
(b) Eighteen months.
(c) Three years.
(d) Twelve months.

14. What does Brown feel for Jim immediately when he first sees him?
(a) Hope.
(b) Joy.
(c) Hatred.
(d) Sadness.

15. Upon Jim's return to Patusan, where do Jim and Brown meet?
(a) At Jim's house.
(b) At the creek.
(c) In the church.
(d) On Brown's ship.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Jim afraid that the natives will learn of his past?

2. How many men are waiting to attack Jim when he reaches the storehouse at the end of Cornelius' courtyard?

3. Where does Jim order his attackers to go after the attempt on his life is foiled?

4. On her deathbed, who does Jewel's mother try to prevent from entering her room?

5. When the two travelers part, the person accompanying Marlow asks when they shall meet again. What is Marlow's response?

(see the answer keys)

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