Looking for Alaska Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Looking for Alaska Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through “After,” Part 3 (pages 173-191).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old does Alaska say she was when her parents let her choose her own name?
(a) 12.
(b) 16.
(c) 10.
(d) 7.

2. Who is the starting center for Culver Creek's basketball team?
(a) Wilson Carbod.
(b) Clay Wurtzel.
(c) Hank Walsten.
(d) Longwell Chase.

3. Who does Chip say is coming to take Alaska's belongings from her dorm room the next day in "seven days after"?
(a) Alaska's mother.
(b) Alaska's father.
(c) Alaska's sister.
(d) Alaska's aunt.

4. What does Chip say they need to borrow from the Eagle in "twenty-seven days after"?
(a) His car.
(b) His Breathalyzer.
(c) His telephone.
(d) His sunglasses.

5. How tall is Miles said to be in the novel?
(a) 5'10.
(b) 5'8.
(c) 6'.
(d) 6'1.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Miles and Chip eat for dinner in the beginning of "twenty days after"?

2. What is Chip doing to prepare for a date when Miles comes into their dorm room in “one hundred twenty-two days before”?

3. What dorm room is Miles assigned when he arrives at the boarding school?

4. Chip tells Miles and Takumi that Jake had called Alaska the night she died because it was their anniversary of having dated how long in "twenty-nine days after"?

5. What is the name that Alaska coined for the fried burritos they serve in the cafeteria?

(see the answer key)

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