Look Homeward, Angel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Look Homeward, Angel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Eugene say is the best paper boy he has ever seen?
(a) Jennings Wade
(b) Luke
(c) Ben
(d) Himself

2. Why is Luke limping?
(a) He has given a skin graft to another sailor
(b) He has been shot
(c) He has bone cancer
(d) He has broken his leg

3. Who is Eugene's new roomate?
(a) Hugh Barton
(b) Jennings Ware
(c) Guy Doak
(d) Bob Sterling

4. Who does Gant fear will become an alcoholic?
(a) Ben
(b) Luke
(c) Eugene
(d) Daisy

5. What does Eliza agree to do for Eugene?
(a) Pay for one year at Harvard
(b) Sell him his father's shop
(c) Help him write a letter to Laura
(d) Give him Dixieland

6. In Part 3, Chapter 38 where does Eugene go?
(a) Back to Dixieland
(b) Back to Charleston
(c) Back to Virginia
(d) Back to the university

7. Who presides over the funeral?
(a) Dr. McGuire
(b) The Scottish Presbyterian minister
(c) The Southern Baptist minister
(d) Eugene

8. What does Eliza tell Eugene to do?
(a) Go to South Carolina and visit Laura
(b) Go join the Army
(c) Go see a prostitute in her boarding house
(d) Write Laura an elaborate letter

9. Who did Ben eat breakfast with most every morning?
(a) Gant
(b) Dr. McGuire
(c) Luke
(d) Dr. Coker

10. Who ends up making sure that Gant has at least a little care?
(a) Helen
(b) Eugene
(c) Luke
(d) Eliza

11. Where is Ben living?
(a) The party town
(b) The mechant town
(c) The railway town
(d) The tobacco town

12. Who is Laura James?
(a) The daughter of a wealthy merchant
(b) A distant cousin
(c) A young prostitute
(d) A fellow student

13. How old is Eugene when he and Laura have an affair?
(a) 26
(b) 16
(c) 21
(d) 18

14. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard do not think Eugene is ready to do what?
(a) Get married
(b) Go to war
(c) Go off to college
(d) Start his own business

15. How is Eugene received when he returns to the university?
(a) He is well accepted
(b) No one really knows he is there
(c) He is a joke on campus
(d) He is still not accepted

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Eugene meet there?

2. In the final chapter where does Eugene go alone?

3. Why does Eugene not go off to war?

4. Why does Laura leave the boarding house?

5. What happens to Eugene?

(see the answer keys)

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