Lonesome Dove Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lonesome Dove Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who insists that July follow Jake Spoon?
(a) Dee Boot
(b) Roscoe Brown
(c) Elmira Johnson
(d) Peach Johnson

2. What is July's main concern about Elmira?
(a) That she left
(b) That she used to be a prostitute
(c) That she is expecting a baby
(d) That she might be ill

3. Who did Clara marry?
(a) Gus
(b) Bob Allen
(c) Jake Spoon
(d) Pea Eye

4. What does Janey do whenever Roscoe meets anyone on the trail?
(a) She talks to the strangers.
(b) She gets on his horse with him.
(c) She shoots her gun.
(d) She hides.

5. Why does the Hat Creek outfit not have any problems getting the horses from Pedro's camp?
(a) The Hat Creek boys are so quiet that no one notices them.
(b) Pedro's men are all asleep.
(c) Pedro's men are in Texas, stealing horses.
(d) Pedro's men have all been hung as horse thieves.

6. Which kind of customer does Lorena prefer?
(a) Older cowboys
(b) Saloon owners
(c) Younger cowboys
(d) Piano players

7. Who is the only whiskey trader who talks to Elmira?
(a) Charlie
(b) Fowler
(c) Roscoe
(d) Jake

8. What do Peach and Charlie Barnes want Roscoe to do, once they discover Elmira is gone?
(a) They want him to send July a telegram.
(b) They want him to go after July to tell him his wife is missing.
(c) They want him to quit as deputy.
(d) They want him to wait for July to come home to tell him the bad news.

9. What was the name of the livestock business?
(a) The Texas Rangers
(b) Lonesome Dove
(c) The Hat Creek Cattle Company
(d) The Dry Bean Saloon

10. What does Gus offer for "a poke" regardless of whether Lorena wins at cutting the cards or not?
(a) To take her to San Francisco
(b) Ten dollars
(c) Fifty dollars
(d) A new dress

11. What does Deets use to help Jake?
(a) His quirt
(b) The needle he uses to repair his pants
(c) A bottle of whiskey
(d) A doctor

12. What has Elmira told the townspeople about her former husband?
(a) She was never married.
(b) He went North.
(c) He died of smallpox.
(d) He was killed by Indians.

13. What wakes Newt from dozing when he was supposed to be watching Lorena?
(a) Po Campo
(b) Lorena's screams
(c) A cattle stampede
(d) Gunfire

14. Where do Gus and Call go after finding a new wagon and mules?
(a) Clara's Orchard
(b) Austin
(c) Back to the herd
(d) The Buckhorn saloon

15. What does Xavier NOT offer Lorena to be with her and convince her not to go with Jake?
(a) All of the money in his pockets, nearly one hundred dollars
(b) To marry her
(c) To take her to Galveston, take a boat to California, and buy a restaurant
(d) To tell Gus

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Elmira reluctantly agree to go with two of the whiskey traders?

2. What did Call give Newt in honor of his first trip to Mexico to round up livestock?

3. How did Elmira actually leave?

4. Where do Gus and Call plan to look for a new cook?

5. Who returned during breakfast?

(see the answer keys)

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