Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost... Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Marcus Luttrell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost... Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Marcus Luttrell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the title of Chapter 6?
(a) "'Bye, Dudes, Give 'Em Hell."
(b) "To Afghanistan... In a Flying Warehouse."
(c) "Two-two-eight! It's Two-two-eight!"
(d) "Welcome to Hell, Gentlemen."

2. What was the training called in which men burst into the room with machine guns blaring as they shot the lights out in Chapter 4?
(a) Blackout.
(b) Shock and Awe.
(c) Starry Night.
(d) Meteor Shower.

3. On what date was Marcus's team finally given the go-ahead for the mission to get Sharmak in Chapter 6?
(a) May 23, 2006.
(b) April 14, 2001.
(c) June 27. 2005.
(d) November 18, 2004.

4. In Chapter 4, the men were told that what percentage of them would quit?
(a) 4/5.
(b) 2/3.
(c) 3/4.
(d) 7/8.

5. Senior Chief Daniel Richard Healy was how old in the narrative?
(a) 32.
(b) 37.
(c) 29.
(d) 25.

6. What did the six men load into and complain about the primitive travel when leaving Bahrain in Chapter 1?
(a) A F-22 Raptor.
(b) A P-51D.
(c) A MiG-23.
(d) A C-130 Hercules.

7. What was the name of Mikey's fiancee described in the Prologue?
(a) Heather.
(b) Holly.
(c) Sarah.
(d) Maureen.

8. Petty Officer Shane Patton was how old in the narrative?
(a) 18.
(b) 22.
(c) 26.
(d) 19.

9. What month was it when six of the men left Bahrain to go on a mission in Chapter 1?
(a) January.
(b) July.
(c) June.
(d) March.

10. When was Saddam Hussein born?
(a) 1937.
(b) 1944.
(c) 1951.
(d) 1929.

11. Who gave a pep talk and told the trainees to just try to make it through each day in Chapter 4?
(a) Captain Maguire.
(b) Admiral Mullin.
(c) Colonel Collins.
(d) Captain Peterson.

12. The last school Marcus attended was joint tactical air control located where?
(a) Fallon Naval Airbase.
(b) San Clemente Island.
(c) Camp Pendleton.
(d) Fort Benning, Georgia.

13. In Chapter 6, Marcus and his team were dropped by helicopters into a border hot spot where they saw how many Afghanistan tribesmen who opened fire?
(a) 3.
(b) 11.
(c) 6.
(d) 8.

14. What does SEAL stand for in the U.S. Navy SEALs?
(a) Sea, Air, and Land.
(b) Super Effective Air League.
(c) Soldiers, Equipment, and Logistics.
(d) Sniper Effectiveness and Loss.

15. Marcus went to the SDV school (submarines) where in Chapter 5?
(a) Panama City, Florida.
(b) Boston, Massachusetts.
(c) San Diego, California.
(d) Anchorage, Alaska.

Short Answer Questions

1. Saddam Hussein was the fifth President of Iraq, serving in this capacity from 1979 until what year?

2. Petty Officer Shane Patton was the son of what?

3. How many men who made it to phase three in Chapter 5?

4. When did the World Trade Tower attacks take place in the United States?

5. For ten weeks, the men would work on land navigation where, in Chapter 5?

(see the answer keys)

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