Little Earthquakes Test | Final Test - Hard

Jennifer Weiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Little Earthquakes Test | Final Test - Hard

Jennifer Weiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Ayinde meet for lunch in "October Ayinde?"

2. How does Lia's mother react to seeing the photograph and hearing about her grandson?

3. What does Becky tell Ayinde in "October Ayinde?"

4. Why didn't Steve want to find a job?

5. Where does Lia meet Sam?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain the irony between how Ayinde's day begins and how it ends.

2. How does the interview in "January Kelly" depict Kelly's entire life?

3. What is the huge plot twist that happens in "January Becky"?

4. How does the fact that Julian is crying when Kelly and Lia arrive and the knowledge that Ayinde didn't know he was crying show the emotional turmoil that she is going through?

5. Starting with "November Lia," tell how Lia is beginning to appear on the road to recovery.

6. How does the author address the common feeling among mothers that they aren't as good at mothering as everyone else they know, or that they lost their temper and yelled?

7. Lia calls her mother at the end of the "January Kelly" with the intent of asking her to meet her so she can forgive her and let her know it. How does Lia's mother turn the tables?

8. Describe how Kelly struggles in "December Kelly" with raising the baby and working.

9. What action shows that Ayinde is beginning to come to terms with Richard's infidelity and the resulting child?

10. How does Becky convince Andrew that they can't just give his mother what she wants?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Choose the one character from Little Earthquakes that you think most resembles yourself. Explain how this character resembles you using detail and examples from the story.

Essay Topic 2

In the midst of personal troubles, Becky's friends have difficulty finding ways that their lives are blessed and how they are fortunate. In particular, Kelly tends to be scornful when people call her lucky. But, towards the end of the story, she starts to realize how blessed and fortunate she is. How does motherhood tend to put things into perspective for Becky? What does Becky learn from her friends?

Essay Topic 3

Three of the main characters all take a different approach to raising their children. Kelly takes the professional route and keeps track of everything on spreadsheets, Ayinde follows the book Baby Success, and Becky has a laid back approach. How do these particular strategies work out for them? If an approach does not seem to work out for them, what other approach do you think they should try and why? Does any one approach seem to work better than the others?

(see the answer keys)

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