Little Earthquakes Test | Final Test - Easy

Jennifer Weiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Little Earthquakes Test | Final Test - Easy

Jennifer Weiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who calls Becky crying?
(a) Ayinde.
(b) Mimi.
(c) Lia.
(d) Her mother.

2. What does Becky promise Mimi to do?
(a) All of the above.
(b) Try harder.
(c) Let her babysit Ava.
(d) Have Christmas with her next year.

3. When Steve, Kelly, and Oliver return home from the music class, Kelly falls asleep for just a minute. What time is it when she wakes up?
(a) 5:00 p.m.
(b) 1;30 p.m.
(c) Noon.
(d) 3;00 p.m.

4. At the end of "January Lia," what shows that Lia and Helen are beginning to heal their relationship?
(a) They tell each other they love one another.
(b) Lia grabs her mother's hand.
(c) They are laughing together.
(d) They hug.

5. What does Kelly use to make a coffee table when the reporter came to visit in the chapter "January Kelly"?
(a) She didn't have one.
(b) A coffee table.
(c) Rubbermaid tubs.
(d) Cardboard boxes.

6. What does Tiffany ask Ayinde?
(a) If she will raise the baby.
(b) "Do you hate me?"
(c) If Richard will support the baby.
(d) If she can call her sometime.

7. What is Andrew doing when Becky returns home in "February Becky"?
(a) Looking at a letter.
(b) Working.
(c) Watching TV.
(d) Taking care of Ava.

8. How does Tiffany feel about being pregnant with Richard's child?
(a) Proud.
(b) Sorry and ashamed.
(c) Excited.
(d) Angry.

9. While in the hospital with Julian to check his heart murmur, which of the friends comforts Ayinde while she cries?
(a) Becky.
(b) Lia.
(c) All answers are correct.
(d) Kelly.

10. How do Kelly and her boss make Delores happy?
(a) Promise it won't happen again.
(b) Nothing at all.
(c) Give her the money back.
(d) Apologize to her.

11. When Ayinde goes looking for Richard to talk with him, where does she find him?
(a) Sitting in the nursery.
(b) On the couch.
(c) At the park.
(d) Laying in the dark in their bed.

12. While Lia is working at Mas she sees the woman who touched her so deeply at the grief group. What about this woman catches Lia off guard in the restaurant?
(a) She remembers Lia.
(b) She was dressed up.
(c) She didn't remember Lia.
(d) She has another son.

13. Who sends the package for Ava in "December Becky"?
(a) Mimi.
(b) Becky's mom.
(c) Kelly.
(d) Ayinde.

14. Where does Kelly tell the reporter that Steve has gone?
(a) To the grocery store.
(b) On a business trip.
(c) To visit his sick mother.
(d) To work.

15. What is Mimi doing as "October Becky" opens that makes Becky pray for the strength not to murder her?
(a) Feeding Ava.
(b) Giving her advice.
(c) Asking to be waited on.
(d) Changing Ava's clothes for the fourth time.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Becky feel about being pregnant again?

2. Which character said, "You'd be surprised what people can live with"?

3. In "October Becky," Becky brings home a surprise for Andrew. What is the surprise?

4. Who is calling on Kelly's cell phone when she is on her way home in "December Kelly"?

5. When Becky wakes up sick, what does she first think is wrong with her?

(see the answer keys)

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