Little Brother Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Cory Doctorow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Little Brother Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Cory Doctorow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Jolu and Marcus do at Jolu's house that night?
(a) Rewrite the indiecode for Pigspleen.
(b) Create a screen.
(c) Create a runner to take snoops away from the real names.
(d) Rewrite the xbox format.

2. How do the friends learn about what happened in the city?
(a) Newspaper.
(b) Internet.
(c) Asking passersby.
(d) They call their parents.

3. Where does Marcus find himself when he is taken out of the jeep and moved?
(a) In a 16-wheeler truck.
(b) On a boat.
(c) In a school cafeteria with lots of other students.
(d) In a motel room.

4. What do the terrorists destroy?
(a) The Wharf area.
(b) Alcatraz Island.
(c) The Bay Bridge.
(d) The Golden Gate bridge.

5. What does Marcus think they should do?
(a) Call the ACLU.
(b) Not tell anyone.
(c) Call a lawyer.
(d) Call the newspapers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Marcus try to do to get help?

2. What does Marcus use to communicate to his friends?

3. What does Vanessa suggest?

4. What is the name of Marcus' blog?

5. What DVD does Marcus use in his communication attempts?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who are there to greet Marcus when he is released and what do they do?

2. What suddenly happens as Marcus and his friends are talking with the girl who takes their picture?

3. Describe the confrontation between Marcus' mother and the police.

4. What does Marcus do to try to talk to his friends without being monitored?

5. What do each of the three friends think need to be done about what they endured?

6. What does Marcus' father tell Marcus about how DHS is going to solve the problem of false positives?

7. Who joins Marcus and Darryl; where do they go and why does a girl take their pictures?

8. Why are Marcus and Darryl microwaving a book?

9. Who calls Marcus to the office, and what message does he receive on his way there?

10. What does Marcus notice when he looks out his window in the middle of the night?

(see the answer keys)

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