Little Brother Test | Final Test - Easy

Cory Doctorow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Little Brother Test | Final Test - Easy

Cory Doctorow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Masha plan to go?
(a) Denver.
(b) Cottage Grove.
(c) Los Angeles.
(d) Seattle.

2. What does Marcus do when he gets away from Masha?
(a) Calls Barbara.
(b) Calls Van.
(c) Calls his parents.
(d) Looks for someone to help him get information to Barbara.

3. What does Barbara ask Ange and Marcus not to do?
(a) Discuss the interview.
(b) Talk to another reporter.
(c) Get on the Xnet for a few days.
(d) Get arrested.

4. About what does Masha warn Marcus?
(a) Nothing.
(b) That the DHS is about to harrass Ange.
(c) That the DHS thinks Marcus is hiding something.
(d) The DHS has almost identified him.

5. How many kids does Marcus estimate are in the Civic Center?
(a) As many as a thousand.
(b) 550.
(c) 300.
(d) 250.

6. What graffiti does Marcus see sprayed on a wall the next day?
(a) "Little Brother is Mad."
(b) "Don't trust anyone over 25."
(c) "The government is out there."
(d) "The eyes are on you."

7. What does National Public Radio run the next morning after Marcus opens part of the Xnet?
(a) A special on DHS.
(b) Pictures of all the suspected terrorists in the Bay Area.
(c) A special on the terrorist movement in the USA.
(d) Information from the rioters' view.

8. Who is Ange?
(a) One of the organizers of the party.
(b) The first one to sign up for a key.
(c) A government spy in the group.
(d) A computer hack who catches Marcus for the government.

9. Why does Marcus smash the laptop that he uses to create the keys?
(a) To demonstrate his conviction that they are doing the right thing.
(b) So the government cannot get their hands on it.
(c) So the key holders know he will not nark on them.
(d) He drops the laptop and smashes it by accident.

10. What does Marcus tell the kids when he hears helicopters approach?
(a) Lie down and pretend they have been gassed.
(b) Sit down and refuse to move.
(c) Quietly file out the rear doors.
(d) Handcuff themselves to six other people with the cuffs provided.

11. What do Masha and Marcus have in common?
(a) They are both arrested by the DHS immediately after the bombings.
(b) They went to the same elementary school.
(c) They both know Darryl.
(d) They are in the same social studies class.

12. Who apprehends Marcus?
(a) No one.
(b) Charles.
(c) Barbara.
(d) Masha.

13. What do Marcus and Ange do the evening after the interview?
(a) Talk to their core cell group.
(b) Make love for the first time.
(c) Go with Darryl's father to DHS.
(d) Talk to Ange's parents.

14. How does Marcus' mother respond to what Marcus tells her?
(a) She cries.
(b) She says the government was doing the best they could.
(c) She calls the State senator who was her childhood sweetheart.
(d) She thinks he's making it up.

15. About what does Barbara warn Marcus concerning the story?
(a) Once she starts, he will not be able to stop the story.
(b) It may end up in his arrest.
(c) It could cause Marcus to be harrassed even more.
(d) It could endanger Darryl's life.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Marcus leave Ange's house angry?

2. What does Marcus have to do during his suspension?

3. Who is Masha?

4. What does M1k3y try to explain in the press conference?

5. What new blog section do Ange and Marcus create?

(see the answer keys)

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